YetAnotherCoupler 3.5.2
No Matches
yac.h File Reference
#include <stddef.h>
#include <mpi.h>
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#define YAC_MAX_CHARLEN   (132)
#define __attribute__(x)   /*NOTHING*/


typedef void(* yac_abort_func) (MPI_Comm comm, const char *msg, const char *source, int line) __attribute__((noreturn))
typedef void(* yac_func_compute_weights) (double const tgt_coords[3], int src_cell_id, size_t src_cell_idx, int const **global_results_points, double **result_weights, size_t *result_count, void *user_data)


void yac_cmpi_handshake (MPI_Comm comm, size_t n, char const **group_names, MPI_Comm *group_comms)
int yac_cget_default_instance_id ()
void yac_cinit (void)
void yac_cinit_instance (int *yac_instance_id)
void yac_cinit_comm (MPI_Comm comm)
void yac_cinit_comm_instance (MPI_Comm comm, int *yac_instance_id)
void yac_cinit_dummy (void)
void yac_cinit_comm_dummy (MPI_Comm comm)
void yac_cread_config_yaml_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *yaml_file)
void yac_cread_config_yaml (const char *yaml_file)
void yac_cread_config_json_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *json_file)
void yac_cread_config_json (const char *json_file)
void yac_cset_config_output_file_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *filename, int fileformat, int sync_location, int include_definitions)
void yac_cset_config_output_file (const char *filename, int fileformat, int sync_location, int include_definitions)
void yac_cset_grid_output_file_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *gridname, const char *filename)
void yac_cset_grid_output_file (const char *gridname, const char *filename)
void yac_ccleanup ()
void yac_ccleanup_instance (int yac_instance_id)
void yac_cfinalize ()
void yac_cfinalize_instance (int yac_instance_id)
void yac_cdef_datetime (const char *start_datetime, const char *end_datetime)
void yac_cdef_datetime_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *start_datetime, const char *end_datetime)
void yac_cdef_calendar (int calendar)
int yac_cget_calendar ()
void yac_cget_groupcomm (MPI_Comm *group_comm)
void yac_cget_groupcomm_instance (int yac_instance_id, MPI_Comm *group_comm)
void yac_cpredef_comp (char const *comp_name, int *comp_id)
void yac_cpredef_comp_instance (int yac_instance_id, char const *comp_name, int *comp_id)
void yac_cdef_comp (const char *comp_name, int *comp_id)
void yac_cdef_comp_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, int *comp_id)
void yac_cdef_comps (const char **comp_names, int num_comps, int *comp_ids)
void yac_cdef_comps_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char **comp_names, int num_comps, int *comp_ids)
void yac_cget_comp_comm (int comp_id, MPI_Comm *comp_comm)
void yac_cget_comps_comm (const char **comp_names, int num_comps, MPI_Comm *comps_comm)
void yac_cget_comps_comm_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char **comp_names, int num_comps, MPI_Comm *comps_comm)
void yac_cdef_points_reg2d (int const grid_id, int const *nbr_points, int const location, double const *x_points, double const *y_points, int *point_id)
void yac_cdef_points_curve2d (int const grid_id, int const *nbr_points, int const location, double const *x_points, double const *y_points, int *point_id)
void yac_cdef_points_unstruct (int const grid_id, int const nbr_points, int const location, double const *x_points, double const *y_points, int *point_id)
void yac_cdef_grid_reg2d (const char *grid_name, int nbr_vertices[2], int cyclic[2], double *x_vertices, double *y_vertices, int *grid_id)
void yac_cdef_grid_curve2d (const char *grid_name, int nbr_vertices[2], int cyclic[2], double *x_vertices, double *y_vertices, int *grid_id)
void yac_cdef_grid_unstruct (const char *grid_name, int nbr_vertices, int nbr_cells, int *num_vertices_per_cell, double *x_vertices, double *y_vertices, int *cell_to_vertex, int *grid_id)
void yac_cdef_grid_unstruct_ll (const char *grid_name, int nbr_vertices, int nbr_cells, int *num_vertices_per_cell, double *x_vertices, double *y_vertices, int *cell_to_vertex, int *grid_id)
void yac_cdef_grid_unstruct_edge (const char *grid_name, int nbr_vertices, int nbr_cells, int nbr_edges, int *num_edges_per_cell, double *x_vertices, double *y_vertices, int *cell_to_edge, int *edge_to_vertex, int *grid_id)
void yac_cdef_grid_unstruct_edge_ll (const char *grid_name, int nbr_vertices, int nbr_cells, int nbr_edges, int *num_edges_per_cell, double *x_vertices, double *y_vertices, int *cell_to_edge, int *edge_to_vertex, int *grid_id)
void yac_cdef_grid_cloud (const char *grid_name, int nbr_points, double *x_points, double *y_points, int *grid_id)
void yac_cset_global_index (int const *global_index, int location, int grid_id)
void yac_cset_core_mask (int const *is_core, int location, int grid_id)
void yac_cset_mask (int const *is_valid, int points_id)
void yac_cdef_mask (int const grid_id, int const nbr_points, int const location, int const *is_valid, int *mask_id)
void yac_cdef_mask_named (int const grid_id, int const nbr_points, int const location, int const *is_valid, char const *name, int *mask_id)
void yac_cdef_field (char const *field_name, int const component_id, int const *point_ids, int const num_pointsets, int collection_size, const char *timestep, int time_unit, int *field_id)
void yac_cdef_field_mask (char const *field_name, int const component_id, int const *point_ids, int const *mask_ids, int const num_pointsets, int collection_size, const char *timestep, int time_unit, int *field_id)
void yac_cenable_field_frac_mask (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name, double frac_mask_fallback_value)
void yac_cenable_field_frac_mask_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name, double frac_mask_fallback_value)
void yac_cdef_component_metadata (const char *comp_name, const char *metadata)
void yac_cdef_component_metadata_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *metadata)
void yac_cdef_grid_metadata (const char *grid_name, const char *metadata)
void yac_cdef_grid_metadata_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *grid_name, const char *metadata)
void yac_cdef_field_metadata (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name, const char *metadata)
void yac_cdef_field_metadata_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name, const char *metadata)
void yac_cget_action (int field_id, int *action)
const char * yac_cget_field_datetime (int field_id)
void yac_cupdate (int field_id)
void yac_cget_ext_couple_config (int *ext_couple_config_id)
void yac_cfree_ext_couple_config (int ext_couple_config_id)
void yac_cset_ext_couple_config_weight_file (int ext_couple_config_id, char const *weight_file)
void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_weight_file (int ext_couple_config_id, char const **weight_file)
void yac_cset_ext_couple_config_mapping_side (int ext_couple_config_id, int mapping_side)
void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_mapping_side (int ext_couple_config_id, int *mapping_side)
void yac_cset_ext_couple_config_scale_factor (int ext_couple_config_id, double scale_factor)
void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_scale_factor (int ext_couple_config_id, double *scale_factor)
void yac_cset_ext_couple_config_scale_summand (int ext_couple_config_id, double scale_summand)
void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_scale_summand (int ext_couple_config_id, double *scale_summand)
void yac_cset_ext_couple_config_src_mask_names (int ext_couple_config_id, size_t num_src_mask_names, char const *const *src_mask_names)
void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_src_mask_names (int ext_couple_config_id, size_t *num_src_mask_names, char const *const **src_mask_names)
void yac_cset_ext_couple_config_tgt_mask_name (int ext_couple_config_id, char const *tgt_mask_name)
void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_tgt_mask_name (int ext_couple_config_id, char const **tgt_mask_name)
void yac_cset_ext_couple_config_yaxt_exchanger_name (int ext_couple_config_id, char const *yaxt_exchanger_name)
void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_yaxt_exchanger_name (int ext_couple_config_id, char const **yaxt_exchanger_name)
void yac_cdef_couple_custom_instance (int yac_instance_id, char const *src_comp_name, char const *src_grid_name, char const *src_field_name, char const *tgt_comp_name, char const *tgt_grid_name, char const *tgt_field_name, char const *coupling_timestep, int time_unit, int time_reduction, int interp_stack_config_id, int src_lag, int tgt_lag, int ext_couple_config_id)
void yac_cdef_couple_custom (char const *src_comp_name, char const *src_grid_name, char const *src_field_name, char const *tgt_comp_name, char const *tgt_grid_name, char const *tgt_field_name, char const *coupling_timestep, int time_unit, int time_reduction, int interp_stack_config_id, int src_lag, int tgt_lag, int ext_couple_config_id)
void yac_cdef_couple_instance (int yac_instance_id, char const *src_comp_name, char const *src_grid_name, char const *src_field_name, char const *tgt_comp_name, char const *tgt_grid_name, char const *tgt_field_name, char const *coupling_timestep, int time_unit, int time_reduction, int interp_stack_config_id, int src_lag, int tgt_lag)
void yac_cdef_couple (char const *src_comp_name, char const *src_grid_name, char const *src_field_name, char const *tgt_comp_name, char const *tgt_grid_name, char const *tgt_field_name, char const *coupling_timestep, int time_unit, int time_reduction, int interp_stack_config_id, int src_lag, int tgt_lag)
void yac_ccheck_field_dimensions (int field_id, int collection_size, int num_pointsets, int const *pointset_sizes)
void yac_cget_ (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double *recv_field, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cget (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double **recv_field, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cget_async_ (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double *recv_field, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cget_async (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double **recv_field, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cput_ (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double *send_field, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cput (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double ***const send_field, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cput_frac_ (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double *send_field, double *send_frac_mask, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cput_frac (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double ***const send_field, double ***const send_frac_mask, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cput_ptr_ (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double **send_field, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cput_frac_ptr_ (int const field_id, int const collection_size, double **send_field, double **send_frac_mask, int *info, int *ierror)
void yac_cexchange_ (int const send_field_id, int const recv_field_id, int const collection_size, double *send_field, double *recv_field, int *send_info, int *recv_info, int *ierror)
void yac_cexchange (int const send_field_id, int const recv_field_id, int const collection_size, double ***const send_field, double **recv_field, int *send_info, int *recv_info, int *ierror)
void yac_cexchange_frac_ (int const send_field_id, int const recv_field_id, int const collection_size, double *send_field, double *send_frac_mask, double *recv_field, int *send_info, int *recv_info, int *ierror)
void yac_cexchange_frac (int const send_field_id, int const recv_field_id, int const collection_size, double ***const send_field, double ***const send_frac_mask, double **recv_field, int *send_info, int *recv_info, int *ierror)
void yac_cexchange_ptr_ (int const send_field_id, int const recv_field_id, int const collection_size, double **send_field, double **recv_field, int *send_info, int *recv_info, int *ierror)
void yac_cexchange_frac_ptr_ (int const send_field_id, int const recv_field_id, int const collection_size, double **send_field, double **send_frac_mask, double **recv_field, int *send_info, int *recv_info, int *ierror)
void yac_ctest (int field_id, int *flag)
void yac_cwait (int field_id)
void yac_csync_def (void)
void yac_csync_def_instance (int yac_instance_id)
void yac_cenddef (void)
void yac_cenddef_instance (int yac_instance_id)
void yac_cenddef_and_emit_config (int emit_flags, char **config)
void yac_cenddef_and_emit_config_instance (int yac_instance_id, int emit_flags, char **config)
char * yac_cget_start_datetime (void)
char * yac_cget_start_datetime_instance (int yac_instance_id)
char * yac_cget_end_datetime (void)
char * yac_cget_end_datetime_instance (int yac_instance_id)
char * yac_cget_version (void)
int yac_cget_nbr_comps (void)
int yac_cget_nbr_comps_instance (int yac_instance_id)
int yac_cget_nbr_grids ()
int yac_cget_nbr_grids_instance (int yac_instance_id)
int yac_cget_comp_nbr_grids (const char *comp_name)
int yac_cget_comp_nbr_grids_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name)
int yac_cget_nbr_fields (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name)
int yac_cget_nbr_fields_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name)
void yac_cget_comp_names (int nbr_comps, const char **comp_names)
void yac_cget_comp_names_instance (int yac_instance_id, int nbr_comps, const char **comp_names)
void yac_cget_grid_names (int nbr_grids, const char **grid_names)
void yac_cget_grid_names_instance (int yac_instance_id, int nbr_grids, const char **grid_names)
void yac_cget_comp_grid_names (const char *comp_name, int nbr_grids, const char **grid_names)
void yac_cget_comp_grid_names_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, int nbr_grids, const char **grid_names)
void yac_cget_field_names (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, int nbr_fields, const char **field_names)
void yac_cget_field_names_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, int nbr_fields, const char **field_names)
const char * yac_cget_component_name_from_field_id (int field_id)
const char * yac_cget_grid_name_from_field_id (int field_id)
const char * yac_cget_field_name_from_field_id (int field_id)
const char * yac_cget_timestep_from_field_id (int field_id)
int yac_cget_collection_size_from_field_id (int field_id)
int yac_cget_role_from_field_id (int field_id)
int yac_cget_field_id (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
int yac_cget_field_id_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
const char * yac_cget_component_metadata (const char *comp_name)
const char * yac_cget_component_metadata_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name)
const char * yac_cget_grid_metadata (const char *grid_name)
const char * yac_cget_grid_metadata_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *grid_name)
const char * yac_cget_field_metadata (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
const char * yac_cget_field_metadata_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
const char * yac_cget_field_timestep (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
const char * yac_cget_field_timestep_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
double yac_cget_field_frac_mask_fallback_value (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
int yac_cget_field_collection_size (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
double yac_cget_field_frac_mask_fallback_value_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
int yac_cget_field_collection_size_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
int yac_cget_field_role (const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
int yac_cget_field_role_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *comp_name, const char *grid_name, const char *field_name)
void yac_cget_field_source (const char *tgt_comp_name, const char *tgt_grid_name, const char *tgt_field_name, const char **src_comp_name, const char **src_grid_name, const char **src_field_name)
void yac_cget_field_source_instance (int yac_instance_id, const char *tgt_comp_name, const char *tgt_grid_name, const char *tgt_field_name, const char **src_comp_name, const char **src_grid_name, const char **src_field_name)
void yac_abort (MPI_Comm comm, const char *msg, const char *source, int line) __attribute__((noreturn))
void yac_abort_message (char const *msg, const char *source, int line)
void yac_restore_default_abort_handler (void)
void yac_set_abort_handler (yac_abort_func custom_abort)
yac_abort_func yac_get_abort_handler (void)
yac_abort_func yac_get_default_abort_handler (void)
void yac_set_default_comm (MPI_Comm comm)
size_t yac_cget_grid_size (int location, int grid_id)
void yac_ccompute_grid_cell_areas (int grid_id, double *cell_areas)
size_t yac_cget_points_size (int points_id)
void yac_cget_interp_stack_config (int *interp_stack_config_id)
void yac_cfree_interp_stack_config (int interp_stack_config_id)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_average (int interp_stack_config_id, int reduction_type, int partial_coverage)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_ncc (int interp_stack_config_id, int weight_type, int partial_coverage)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_nnn (int interp_stack_config_id, int type, size_t n, double max_search_distance, double scale)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_conservative (int interp_stack_config_id, int order, int enforced_conserv, int partial_coverage, int normalisation)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_spmap (int interp_stack_config_id, double spread_distance, double max_search_distance, int weight_type, int scale_type, double src_sphere_radius, char const *src_filename, char const *src_varname, int src_min_global_id, double tgt_sphere_radius, char const *tgt_filename, char const *tgt_varname, int tgt_min_global_id)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_hcsbb (int interp_stack_config_id)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_user_file (int interp_stack_config_id, char const *filename)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_fixed (int interp_stack_config_id, double value)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_check (int interp_stack_config_id, char const *constructor_key, char const *do_search_key)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_creep (int interp_stack_config_id, int creep_distance)
void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_user_callback (int interp_stack_config_id, char const *func_compute_weights_key)
void yac_cadd_compute_weights_callback (yac_func_compute_weights compute_weights_callback, void *user_data, char const *key)
void yac_cget_interp_stack_config_from_string_yaml (char const *interp_stack_config, int *interp_stack_config_id)
void yac_cget_interp_stack_config_from_string_json (char const *interp_stack_config, int *interp_stack_config_id)


 no data exchanges
 data reduction, but data exchange
 data exchange
 last valid get
 last valid put
 put/get is outside of the valid range
int const YAC_YEAR_OF_365_DAYS
int const YAC_YEAR_OF_360_DAYS
int const YAC_AVG_DIST
int const YAC_AVG_BARY
int const YAC_NCC_AVG
int const YAC_NCC_DIST
int const YAC_NNN_AVG
int const YAC_NNN_DIST
int const YAC_NNN_GAUSS
int const YAC_NNN_RBF
int const YAC_NNN_ZERO
int const YAC_SPMAP_AVG
int const YAC_SPMAP_DIST
int const YAC_SPMAP_NONE
 emit to YAML format
 emit to JSON format

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __attribute__

#define __attribute__ ( x)    /*NOTHING*/

Definition at line 2443 of file yac.h.



method signature for weight computation function used by User callback interpolation

If the field value of a target point, whose weights have been computed by this routine, is to be computed on the source process at which this routine was called, YAC would use the weights as follows (it is assumed that all required source points are available at this process):

// this routine return an index to a source field value associated to
// the provided global id
size_t global_id_2_local_idx(int src_field_idx, int global_id);
double tgt_value[collection_size];
for (int collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
tgt_value[collection_idx] = 0.0;
// for all source fields
for (int src_field_idx = 0; src_field_idx < num_pointsets; ++src_field_idx) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < result_count[src_field_idx]; ++i) {
size_t src_field_point_idx =
src_field_idx, global_results_points[src_field_idx][i]);
double weight = result_weights[src_field_idx][src_field_point_idx];
for (int collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
collection_idx) {
tgt_value[collection_idx] +=
src_field[collection_idx][src_field_idx][src_field_point_idx] *

If one or more source points associated to the global ids return by this routine are not actually available at this process, YAC will ensure that the respective value will be available for the interpolation.

[in]tgt_coords3D coordinates of the target point
[in]src_cell_idglobal id of the source cell matching the target point
[in]src_cell_idx(zero based) index of the source cell matching the target point
[out]global_results_pointsglobal ids of source points to be used for the interpolation of the target point
[out]result_weightsweights to be used for the interpolation of the target point
[out]result_countnumber of source points to be used for the interpolation of the target point per pointset
[in]user_datauser_data pointer provided to yac_cadd_compute_weights_callback
The size of the first dimension of the arrays global_results_points, result_weights, and result_count has to be equal to num_pointsets provided to yac_cdef_field or yac_cdef_field_mask that was used to define the field involved in the coupling that is supposed to use this weight computation function.
3D coordinates are for a point of a unit sphere

Definition at line 2774 of file yac.h.


#define YAC_MAX_CHARLEN   (132)

Definition at line 81 of file yac.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ yac_abort_func

typedef void(* yac_abort_func) (MPI_Comm comm, const char *msg, const char *source, int line) __attribute__((noreturn))

functions used as error handler must conform to this interface


Definition at line 2454 of file yac.h.

◆ yac_func_compute_weights

typedef void(* yac_func_compute_weights) (double const tgt_coords[3], int src_cell_id, size_t src_cell_idx, int const **global_results_points, double **result_weights, size_t *result_count, void *user_data)

Definition at line 2777 of file yac.h.

Function Documentation

◆ yac_abort()

void yac_abort ( MPI_Comm comm,
const char * msg,
const char * source,
int line )

Calls the currently set abort handler (yac_abort_default by default)

[in]commMPI communicator used to call MPI_Abort
[in]msgmessage text to print
[in]sourcestring describing source file name
[in]lineline number of caller

◆ yac_abort_message()

void yac_abort_message ( char const * msg,
const char * source,
int line )

Call the yac_abort function (providing the default communicator for the comm argument).

msgmessage text to print
sourcestring describing source file name
lineline number of caller

◆ yac_cadd_compute_weights_callback()

void yac_cadd_compute_weights_callback ( yac_func_compute_weights compute_weights_callback,
void * user_data,
char const * key )

registers a callback routine for the computation of weights by the interpolation method user_callback

[in]compute_weights_callbackpointer to a weight computation routine
[in]user_datadata pointer that will be passed to compute_weights_callback
[in]keykey for identifying the callback routine
the callback has to be set on all source processes taking part in respective coupling
the key has to match the one provided in coupling configuration

Definition at line 3897 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_average()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_average ( int interp_stack_config_id,
int reduction_type,
int partial_coverage )

adds average interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]reduction_typereduction type
[in]partial_coverageallow partial coverage

Definition at line 3701 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_check()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_check ( int interp_stack_config_id,
char const * constructor_key,
char const * do_search_key )

adds fixed interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]constructor_keykey provided to yac_interp_method_check_add_constructor_callback for a constructor callback routine
[in]do_search_keykey provided to yac_interp_method_check_add_do_search_callback for a do_search callback routine

Definition at line 3862 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_conservative()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_conservative ( int interp_stack_config_id,
int order,
int enforced_conserv,
int partial_coverage,
int normalisation )

adds conservative interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]orderfirst or second order
[in]enforced_conservenforce local conservation
[in]partial_coverageallow partial coverage
[in]normalisationnormalisation type

Definition at line 3759 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_creep()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_creep ( int interp_stack_config_id,
int creep_distance )

adds creep interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]creep_distancecreep distance

Definition at line 3874 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_fixed()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_fixed ( int interp_stack_config_id,
double value )

adds fixed interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]valuefixed value

Definition at line 3852 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_hcsbb()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_hcsbb ( int interp_stack_config_id)

adds HCSBB interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack

Definition at line 3832 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_ncc()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_ncc ( int interp_stack_config_id,
int weight_type,
int partial_coverage )

adds nearest corner cells interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]weight_typereduction type
[in]partial_coverageallow partial coverage

Definition at line 3720 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_nnn()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_nnn ( int interp_stack_config_id,
int type,
size_t n,
double max_search_distance,
double scale )

adds n-nearest-neighbour interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]typereduction type
[in]nnumber of nearest neighbour points
[in]max_search_distancemaximum search distance for each point
[in]scalescale parameter required by some reduction types
a max_search_distance of 0.0 results in the search distance not being restricted

Definition at line 3738 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_spmap()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_spmap ( int interp_stack_config_id,
double spread_distance,
double max_search_distance,
int weight_type,
int scale_type,
double src_sphere_radius,
char const * src_filename,
char const * src_varname,
int src_min_global_id,
double tgt_sphere_radius,
char const * tgt_filename,
char const * tgt_varname,
int tgt_min_global_id )

adds source point mapping interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]spread_distancespread distance (in rad)
[in]max_search_distancemaximum search distance (in rad)
[in]weight_typereduction type
[in]scale_typescaling type
[in]src_sphere_radiussphere radius used for source cell area computation
[in]src_filenamenetCDF file contain the source cell areas
[in]src_varnamevariable name of source cell areas
[in]src_min_global_idminimum global id used to map global cell ids to values in the netCDF file
[in]tgt_sphere_radiussphere radius used for target cell area computation
[in]tgt_filenamenetCDF file contain the target cell areas
[in]tgt_varnamevariable name of target cell areas
[in]tgt_min_global_idminimum global id used to map global cell ids to values in the netCDF file
cell areas for the scaling can either be computed by YAC or read from a netCDF file (see Source to Target mapping)
for computing cell areas:
(sphere_radius > 0.0; filename == NULL; varname == NULL)
for reading cell areas:
(sphere_radius == 0.0; filename != NULL; varname != NULL)

Definition at line 3778 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_user_callback()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_user_callback ( int interp_stack_config_id,
char const * func_compute_weights_key )

adds user callback interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]func_compute_weights_keykey provided to yac_cadd_compute_weights_callback for a compute_weights callback routine

Definition at line 3884 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_user_file()

void yac_cadd_interp_stack_config_user_file ( int interp_stack_config_id,
char const * filename )

adds user weight file interpolation to the bottom of a interpolation stack

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack
[in]filenameweight file name
YAC will read the weight file in parallel. This parallel output can be configured as described here: Configuration of parallel IO in YAC

Definition at line 3841 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_ccheck_field_dimensions()

void yac_ccheck_field_dimensions ( int field_id,
int collection_size,
int num_pointsets,
int const * pointset_sizes )

Checks whether the field dimensions match with field definition and aborts if there is a mismatch

[in]collection_sizecollection size
[in]num_pointsetsnumber of pointsets
[in]pointset_sizessize of each pointset
if num_pointsets is -1, its value will not be checked
if pointset_sizes is NULL, its values will not be checked

Definition at line 1706 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_ccleanup()

void yac_ccleanup ( )

Clean-up YAC (same as yac_cfinalize but without MPI_Finalize; see Restarting YAC)

In case the user initialised yaxt himself, he has to finalise it after yac_ccleanup in order to be able to call yac_cinit again.
cleans up default YAC instance

Definition at line 590 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_ccleanup_instance()

void yac_ccleanup_instance ( int yac_instance_id)

Clean-up YAC (same as yac_cfinalize_instance but without MPI_Finalize; see Restarting YAC)

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance to be cleaned up
In case the user initialised yaxt himself, he has to finalise it after yac_ccleanup in order to be able to call yac_cinit again.

Definition at line 582 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_ccompute_grid_cell_areas()

void yac_ccompute_grid_cell_areas ( int grid_id,
double * cell_areas )

computes the areas of all cells in a grid (an earth radius of 1.0 is assumed)


Definition at line 3646 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_calendar()

void yac_cdef_calendar ( int calendar)

Defines the calendar of the default instance

[in]calendarThe calendar
See also

Definition at line 648 of file yac.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_comp()

void yac_cdef_comp ( const char * comp_name,
int * comp_id )

Elementary definition of the component for the default YAC instance

[in]comp_namename of the component
[out]comp_idcomponent Id
this call is collective for all processes that initialised the default YAC instance
components can only be defined once in the initialisation phase of a YAC instance. If you want to predefine a component, please use yac_cpredef_comp.

Definition at line 886 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_comp_instance()

void yac_cdef_comp_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char * comp_name,
int * comp_id )

Elementary definition of the component.

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance
[in]comp_namename of the component
[out]comp_idcomponent Id
this call is collective for all processes that initialised the provided YAC instance
components can only be defined once in the initialisation phase of a YAC instance. If you want to predefine a component, please use yac_cpredef_comp_instance.

Definition at line 880 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_component_metadata()

void yac_cdef_component_metadata ( const char * comp_name,
const char * metadata )

Define metadata for a component


Definition at line 1276 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_component_metadata_instance()

void yac_cdef_component_metadata_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char * comp_name,
const char * metadata )

Define metadata for a component


Definition at line 1268 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_comps()

void yac_cdef_comps ( const char ** comp_names,
int num_comps,
int * comp_ids )

Elementary definition of the components for the default YAC instance

[in]comp_namesnames of the components
[in]num_compsnumber of components
[out]comp_idscomponent Id's
this call is collective for all processes that initialised the default YAC instance
components can only be defined once in the initialisation phase of a YAC instance

Definition at line 872 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_comps_instance()

void yac_cdef_comps_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char ** comp_names,
int num_comps,
int * comp_ids )

Elementary definition of the components.

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance
[in]comp_namesnames of the components
[in]num_compsnumber of components
[out]comp_idscomponent Id's
this call is collective for all processes that initialised the provided YAC instance
components can only be defined once in the initialisation phase of a YAC instance

Definition at line 847 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_couple()

void yac_cdef_couple ( char const * src_comp_name,
char const * src_grid_name,
char const * src_field_name,
char const * tgt_comp_name,
char const * tgt_grid_name,
char const * tgt_field_name,
char const * coupling_timestep,
int time_unit,
int time_reduction,
int interp_stack_config_id,
int src_lag,
int tgt_lag )

Define couple in the default yac instance

[in]src_comp_namecomponent name of the source component
[in]src_grid_namegrid name of the source grid
[in]src_field_namefield name of the source field
[in]tgt_comp_namecomponent name of the target component
[in]tgt_grid_namegrid name of the target grid
[in]tgt_field_namefield name of the target field
[in]coupling_timesteptime step for the coupling given in the defined timestep unit
[in]time_unitunit of coupling_timestep argument
[in]time_reductiontype for reducing multiple timesteps
See also
[in]interp_stack_config_idid of the interpolation stack config to be used
[in]src_laglag for this couple on the source component
[in]tgt_laglag for this couple on the target component

Definition at line 1632 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_couple_custom()

void yac_cdef_couple_custom ( char const * src_comp_name,
char const * src_grid_name,
char const * src_field_name,
char const * tgt_comp_name,
char const * tgt_grid_name,
char const * tgt_field_name,
char const * coupling_timestep,
int time_unit,
int time_reduction,
int interp_stack_config_id,
int src_lag,
int tgt_lag,
int ext_couple_config_id )

Define couple in the default yac instance using an extended coupling configuration

[in]src_comp_namecomponent name of the source component
[in]src_grid_namegrid name of the source grid
[in]src_field_namefield name of the source field
[in]tgt_comp_namecomponent name of the target component
[in]tgt_grid_namegrid name of the target grid
[in]tgt_field_namefield name of the target field
[in]coupling_timesteptime step for the coupling given in the defined timestep unit
[in]time_unitunit of coupling_timestep argument
[in]time_reductiontype for reducing multiple timesteps
See also
[in]interp_stack_config_idid of the interpolation stack config to be used
[in]src_laglag for this couple on the source component
[in]tgt_laglag for this couple on the target component
[in]ext_couple_config_idextended coupling configuration

Definition at line 1600 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_couple_custom_instance()

void yac_cdef_couple_custom_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
char const * src_comp_name,
char const * src_grid_name,
char const * src_field_name,
char const * tgt_comp_name,
char const * tgt_grid_name,
char const * tgt_field_name,
char const * coupling_timestep,
int time_unit,
int time_reduction,
int interp_stack_config_id,
int src_lag,
int tgt_lag,
int ext_couple_config_id )

Define couple using an extended coupling configuration

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance for that the couple should be defined
[in]src_comp_namecomponent name of the source component
[in]src_grid_namegrid name of the source grid
[in]src_field_namefield name of the source field
[in]tgt_comp_namecomponent name of the target component
[in]tgt_grid_namegrid name of the target grid
[in]tgt_field_namefield name of the target field
[in]coupling_timesteptime step for the coupling
[in]time_unitunit of coupling_timestep argument
[in]time_reductiontype for reducing multiple timesteps
See also
[in]interp_stack_config_idid of the interpolation stack config to be used
[in]src_laglag for this couple on the source component
[in]tgt_laglag for this couple on the target component
[in]ext_couple_config_idextended coupling configuration

Definition at line 1585 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_couple_instance()

void yac_cdef_couple_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
char const * src_comp_name,
char const * src_grid_name,
char const * src_field_name,
char const * tgt_comp_name,
char const * tgt_grid_name,
char const * tgt_field_name,
char const * coupling_timestep,
int time_unit,
int time_reduction,
int interp_stack_config_id,
int src_lag,
int tgt_lag )

Define couple

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance for that the couple should be defined
[in]src_comp_namecomponent name of the source component
[in]src_grid_namegrid name of the source grid
[in]src_field_namefield name of the source field
[in]tgt_comp_namecomponent name of the target component
[in]tgt_grid_namegrid name of the target grid
[in]tgt_field_namefield name of the target field
[in]coupling_timesteptime step for the coupling
[in]time_unitunit of coupling_timestep argument
[in]time_reductiontype for reducing multiple timesteps
See also
[in]interp_stack_config_idid of the interpolation stack config to be used
[in]src_laglag for this couple on the source component
[in]tgt_laglag for this couple on the target component

Definition at line 1615 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_datetime()

void yac_cdef_datetime ( const char * start_datetime,
const char * end_datetime )

Definition of job start and end datetime for the default YAC instance

[in]start_datetimecalendar job start datetime
[in]end_datetimecalendar job end datetime

Definition at line 640 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_datetime_instance()

void yac_cdef_datetime_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char * start_datetime,
const char * end_datetime )

Definition of job start and end datetime

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance
[in]start_datetimecalendar job start datetime
[in]end_datetimecalendar job end datetime

Definition at line 631 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_field()

void yac_cdef_field ( char const * field_name,
int const component_id,
int const * point_ids,
int const num_pointsets,
int collection_size,
const char * timestep,
int time_unit,
int * field_id )

Definition of the coupling field (using default mask, if defined)

[in]field_namecharacter string providing the name of the coupling field
[in]component_idcomponent ID
[in]point_idspoint IDs
[in]num_pointsetsnumber of pointsets per grid
[in]collection_sizecollection size
[in]time_unittime unit
[out]field_idreturned field_id which has to be used to identify coupling fields in yac_cput and yac_cget.
A calendar has to be defined before this routine is called. This can be done by a call to yac_cdef_calendar, by reading of configuration file that defines a calendar, or by synchronizing with other processes that already have defined a calendar using yac_csync_def.

Definition at line 1216 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_field_mask()

void yac_cdef_field_mask ( char const * field_name,
int const component_id,
int const * point_ids,
int const * mask_ids,
int const num_pointsets,
int collection_size,
const char * timestep,
int time_unit,
int * field_id )

Definition of the coupling field

[in]field_namecharacter string providing the name of the coupling field
[in]component_idcomponent ID
[in]point_idspoint IDs
[in]mask_idsmask IDs
[in]num_pointsetsnumber of pointsets per grid
[in]collection_sizecollection size
[out]field_idreturned field_id which has to be used to identify coupling fields in yac_cput and yac_cget.
A calendar has to be defined before this routine is called. This can be done by a call to yac_cdef_calendar, by reading of configuration file that defines a calendar, or by synchronizing with other processes that already have defined a calendar using yac_csync_def.

Definition at line 1143 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_field_metadata()

void yac_cdef_field_metadata ( const char * comp_name,
const char * grid_name,
const char * field_name,
const char * metadata )

Define metadata for a field


Definition at line 1304 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_field_metadata_instance()

void yac_cdef_field_metadata_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char * comp_name,
const char * grid_name,
const char * field_name,
const char * metadata )

Define metadata for a field


Definition at line 1295 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_grid_cloud()

void yac_cdef_grid_cloud ( const char * grid_name,
int nbr_points,
double * x_points,
double * y_points,
int * grid_id )

Definition of grid consisting of a cloud of points

[in]grid_namename of the grid
[in]nbr_pointsnumber of points
[in]x_pointsarray of point longitudes, in radians
[in]y_pointsarray of point latitudes, in radians
[out]grid_idid of generated grid

Definition at line 3538 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_grid_curve2d()

void yac_cdef_grid_curve2d ( const char * grid_name,
int nbr_vertices[2],
int cyclic[2],
double * x_vertices,
double * y_vertices,
int * grid_id )

Definition of a 2d curvilinear grid

[in]grid_namename of the grid
[in]nbr_vertices2d array containing the number of vertices in each dimension
[in]cyclic2d array containing information about cyclic behaviour in each dimension
[in]x_verticesarray of vertex longitudes, in radians
[in]y_verticesarray of vertex latitudes, in radians
[out]grid_idid of generated grid
  • The array x_vertices and y_vertices are expected to be of size nbr_vertices[0] * nbr_vertices[1].
  • This call generate a grid with the following basic grid data:
    size_t internal_nbr_cells_2d[2];
    size_t internal_nbr_vertices_2d[2];
    if (cyclic[0]) {
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[0] = nbr_vertices[0];
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[1] = nbr_vertices[1] - 1;
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[0] = nbr_vertices[0] + 1;
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[1] = nbr_vertices[1];
    } else {
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[0] = nbr_vertices[0] - 1;
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[1] = nbr_vertices[1] - 1;
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[0] = nbr_vertices[0];
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[1] = nbr_vertices[1];
    size_t internal_nbr_cells =
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[0] * internal_nbr_cells_2d[1];
    size_t internal_nbr_vertices =
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[0] * internal_nbr_vertices_2d[1];
    size_t internal_nbr_edges =
    (internal_nbr_cells_2d[0] + 1) * internal_nbr_cells_2d[1] +
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[0] * (internal_nbr_cells_2d[1] + 1);
    double * internal_x_vertices =
    malloc(internal_nbr_vertices * sizeof(*internal_x_vertices));
    double * internal_y_vertices =
    malloc(internal_nbr_vertices * sizeof(*internal_y_vertices));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < internal_nbr_vertices; ++i) {
    internal_x_vertices[i] = x_vertices[i];
    internal_y_vertices[i] = y_vertices[i];
  • The edges of the grid follow great circles.
  • See Ordering of edges

Definition at line 3434 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_grid_metadata()

void yac_cdef_grid_metadata ( const char * grid_name,
const char * metadata )

Define metadata for a grid for the default YAC instance


Definition at line 1290 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_grid_metadata_instance()

void yac_cdef_grid_metadata_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char * grid_name,
const char * metadata )

Define metadata for a grid


Definition at line 1281 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_grid_reg2d()

void yac_cdef_grid_reg2d ( const char * grid_name,
int nbr_vertices[2],
int cyclic[2],
double * x_vertices,
double * y_vertices,
int * grid_id )

Definition of a 2d regular grid

[in]grid_namename of the grid
[in]nbr_vertices2d array containing the number of vertices in each dimension
[in]cyclic2d array containing information about cyclic behaviour in each dimension
[in]x_verticesarray of vertex longitudes, in radians
[in]y_verticesarray of vertex latitudes, in radians
[out]grid_idid of generated grid
  • This call generate a grid with the following basic grid data:
    size_t internal_nbr_cells_2d[2];
    size_t internal_nbr_vertices_2d[2];
    if (cyclic[0]) {
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[0] = nbr_vertices[0];
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[1] = nbr_vertices[1] - 1;
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[0] = nbr_vertices[0];
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[1] = nbr_vertices[1];
    } else {
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[0] = nbr_vertices[0] - 1;
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[1] = nbr_vertices[1] - 1;
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[0] = nbr_vertices[0];
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[1] = nbr_vertices[1];
    size_t internal_nbr_cells =
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[0] * internal_nbr_cells_2d[1];
    size_t internal_nbr_vertices =
    internal_nbr_vertices_2d[0] * internal_nbr_vertices_2d[1];
    size_t internal_nbr_edges =
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[1] * internal_nbr_vertices_2d[0] +
    internal_nbr_cells_2d[0] * internal_nbr_vertices_2d[1];
    double * internal_x_vertices =
    malloc(internal_nbr_vertices * sizeof(*internal_x_vertices));
    double * internal_y_vertices =
    malloc(internal_nbr_vertices * sizeof(*internal_y_vertices));
    for (size_t i = 0, k = 0; i < nbr_vertices[1]; ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < nbr_vertices[0]; ++j, ++k) {
    internal_x_vertices[k] = x_vertices[j];
    internal_y_vertices[k] = y_vertices[i];
  • The edges of the grid either follow circles of longitude or latitude.
  • See Ordering of edges

Definition at line 3416 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_grid_unstruct()

void yac_cdef_grid_unstruct ( const char * grid_name,
int nbr_vertices,
int nbr_cells,
int * num_vertices_per_cell,
double * x_vertices,
double * y_vertices,
int * cell_to_vertex,
int * grid_id )

Definition of an unstructured grid

[in]grid_namename of the grid
[in]nbr_verticesnumber of vertices
[in]nbr_cellsnumber of cells
[in]num_vertices_per_cellarray containing the number of vertices for each cell
[in]x_verticesarray of vertex longitudes, in radians
[in]y_verticesarray of vertex latitudes, in radians
[in]cell_to_vertexconnectivity of vertices belonging to cells
(the vertex indices per cell have to be in clockwise or counterclockwise ordering)
[out]grid_idid of generated grid

Definition at line 3452 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_grid_unstruct_edge()

void yac_cdef_grid_unstruct_edge ( const char * grid_name,
int nbr_vertices,
int nbr_cells,
int nbr_edges,
int * num_edges_per_cell,
double * x_vertices,
double * y_vertices,
int * cell_to_edge,
int * edge_to_vertex,
int * grid_id )

Definition of an unstructured grid with explicit edge definition

[in]grid_namename of the grid
[in]nbr_verticesnumber of vertices
[in]nbr_cellsnumber of cells
[in]nbr_edgesnumber of edges
[in]num_edges_per_cellarray containing the number of edges for each cell
[in]x_verticesarray of vertex longitudes, in radians
[in]y_verticesarray of vertex latitudes, in radians
[in]cell_to_edgeconnectivity of edges belonging to cells
(the edge indices per cell have to be in clockwise or counterclockwise ordering)
[in]edge_to_vertexconnectivity of vertices belonging to edges
[out]grid_idid of generated grid
  • The edges of the grid follow great circles.

Definition at line 3494 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_grid_unstruct_edge_ll()

void yac_cdef_grid_unstruct_edge_ll ( const char * grid_name,
int nbr_vertices,
int nbr_cells,
int nbr_edges,
int * num_edges_per_cell,
double * x_vertices,
double * y_vertices,
int * cell_to_edge,
int * edge_to_vertex,
int * grid_id )

Definition of an unstructured grid with lon-lat edges with explicit edge definition

[in]grid_namename of the grid
[in]nbr_verticesnumber of vertices
[in]nbr_cellsnumber of cells
[in]nbr_edgesnumber of edges
[in]num_edges_per_cellarray containing the number of edges for each cell
[in]x_verticesarray of vertex longitudes, in radians
[in]y_verticesarray of vertex latitudes, in radians
[in]cell_to_edgeconnectivity of edges belonging to cells
(the edge indices per cell have to be in clockwise or counterclockwise ordering)
[in]edge_to_vertexconnectivity of vertices belonging to edges
[out]grid_idid of generated grid
YAC will check all edges of the grid and determine whether they are on circles of longitudes (same x coordinate) or latitudes (same y coordinate). An edge that does not fulfill this condition will cause an error.

Definition at line 3516 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_grid_unstruct_ll()

void yac_cdef_grid_unstruct_ll ( const char * grid_name,
int nbr_vertices,
int nbr_cells,
int * num_vertices_per_cell,
double * x_vertices,
double * y_vertices,
int * cell_to_vertex,
int * grid_id )

Definition of an unstructured grid with lon-lat edges

[in]grid_namename of the grid
[in]nbr_verticesnumber of vertices
[in]nbr_cellsnumber of cells
[in]num_vertices_per_cellarray containing the number of vertices for each cell
[in]x_verticesarray of vertex longitudes, in radians
[in]y_verticesarray of vertex latitudes, in radians
[in]cell_to_vertexconnectivity of vertices belonging to cells
(the vertex indices per cell have to be in clockwise or counterclockwise ordering)
[out]grid_idid of generated grid
See Ordering of edges
YAC will check all edges of the grid and determine whether they are on circles of longitudes (same x coordinate) or latitudes (same y coordinate). An edge that does not fulfill this condition will cause an error.

Definition at line 3473 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_mask()

void yac_cdef_mask ( int const grid_id,
int const nbr_points,
int const location,
int const * is_valid,
int * mask_id )

define a mask for a grid

[in]grid_idgrid ID
[in]nbr_pointsnumber of points
[in]is_valid0 for points that are masked out, 1 for valid points
[out]mask_idreturned handle to the mask struct

Definition at line 1115 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_mask_named()

void yac_cdef_mask_named ( int const grid_id,
int const nbr_points,
int const location,
int const * is_valid,
char const * name,
int * mask_id )

define a named mask for a grid

[in]grid_idgrid ID
[in]nbr_pointsnumber of points
[in]is_valid0 for points that are masked out, 1 for valid points
[in]namename of the mask
[out]mask_idreturned handle to the mask struct

Definition at line 1096 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_points_curve2d()

void yac_cdef_points_curve2d ( int const grid_id,
int const * nbr_points,
int const location,
double const * x_points,
double const * y_points,
int * point_id )

Definition of a set of points for 2D curvilinear grids.

[in]grid_idhandle to the grid struct
[in]nbr_pointsnumber of points
[in]locationlocation of points
[in]x_pointsarray of point longitudes, in radians
[in]y_pointsarray of point latitudes, in radians
[out]point_idreturned handle to the points struct
  • This routine supports points defined on cells or vertices. For edges use yac_cdef_points_unstruct instead.
  • The array x_points and y_points are expected to be of size nbr_points[0] * nbr_points[1].
  • See yac_cdef_grid_curve2d on how the coordinates are being interpreted.

Definition at line 1012 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_points_reg2d()

void yac_cdef_points_reg2d ( int const grid_id,
int const * nbr_points,
int const location,
double const * x_points,
double const * y_points,
int * point_id )

Definition of a set of points for 2D regular grids.

[in]grid_idhandle to the grid struct
[in]nbr_pointsnumber of points
[in]locationlocation of points
[in]x_pointsarray of point longitudes, in radians
[in]y_pointsarray of point latitudes, in radians
[out]point_idreturned handle to the points struct
  • This routine supports points defined on cells or vertices. For edges use yac_cdef_points_unstruct instead.
  • The array x_points and y_points are expected to be of size nbr_points[0] and nbr_points[1] respectively.
  • See yac_cdef_grid_reg2d on how the coordinates are being interpreted.

Definition at line 976 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cdef_points_unstruct()

void yac_cdef_points_unstruct ( int const grid_id,
int const nbr_points,
int const location,
double const * x_points,
double const * y_points,
int * point_id )

Definition of a set of points for 2D unstructured grids.

[in]grid_idhandle to the grid struct
[in]nbr_pointsnumber of points
[in]locationlocation of points
[in]x_pointsarray of point longitudes, in radians
[in]y_pointsarray of point latitudes, in radians
[out]point_idreturned handle to the points struct
The array x_points and y_points are expected to be of size nbr_points.
See also

Definition at line 1050 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cenable_field_frac_mask()

void yac_cenable_field_frac_mask ( const char * comp_name,
const char * grid_name,
const char * field_name,
double frac_mask_fallback_value )

Enables fractional masking for a coupling field and sets the fallback value

[in]frac_mask_fallback_valuefractional mask fallback value
If this field is used as a source in couple, the user will have to provide a fractional mask for all source points along with the source field values in all put/exchange operations of this field. (see Dynamic fractional masking)

Definition at line 1259 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cenable_field_frac_mask_instance()

void yac_cenable_field_frac_mask_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char * comp_name,
const char * grid_name,
const char * field_name,
double frac_mask_fallback_value )

Enables fractional masking for a coupling field and sets the fallback value

[in]frac_mask_fallback_valuefractional mask fallback value
If this field is used as a source in couple, the user will have to provide a fractional mask for all source points along with the source field values in all put/exchange operations of this field. (see Dynamic fractional masking)

Definition at line 1247 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cenddef()

void yac_cenddef ( void )

End of the definition phase for the default YAC instance and setup of internal data structures for coupling (communication matrices and interpolation weights)

Definition at line 3000 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cenddef_and_emit_config()

void yac_cenddef_and_emit_config ( int emit_flags,
char ** config )

End of the definition phase for the default YAC instance, invocation of the search and setup of internal data structures for coupling (communication matrices and interpolation weights). In addition, the collected coupling configuration from all processes is emitted.

[in]emit_flagsflags for configuring the generated coupling configuration output (YAC_YAML_EMITTER_DEFAULT or YAC_YAML_EMITTER_JSON)
[out]configcoupling configuration
the user is responsible for freeing the returned coupling configuration

Definition at line 3015 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cenddef_and_emit_config_instance()

void yac_cenddef_and_emit_config_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
int emit_flags,
char ** config )

End of the definition phase, invocation of the search and setup of internal data structures for coupling (communication matrices and interpolation weights). In addition, the collected coupling configuration from all processes is emitted.

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance
[in]emit_flagsflags for configuring the generated coupling configuration output (YAC_YAML_EMITTER_DEFAULT or YAC_YAML_EMITTER_JSON)
[out]configcoupling configuration
the user is responsible for freeing the returned coupling configuration

Definition at line 3006 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cenddef_instance()

void yac_cenddef_instance ( int yac_instance_id)

End of the definition phase, invocation of the search and setup of internal data structures for coupling (communication matrices and interpolation weights)

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance

Definition at line 2993 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cexchange()

void yac_cexchange ( int const send_field_id,
int const recv_field_id,
int const collection_size,
double ***const send_field,
double ** recv_field,
int * send_info,
int * recv_info,
int * ierror )

Exchange of the coupling fields

[in]send_field- send buffer dimensions send_field[collection_size] [nbr_fields] [nbr_points]
[in]recv_field- receive buffer dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[out]send_info- returned send info
[out]recv_info- returned recv info
[out]ierror- returned error

Definition at line 2963 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cexchange_()

void yac_cexchange_ ( int const send_field_id,
int const recv_field_id,
int const collection_size,
double * send_field,
double * recv_field,
int * send_info,
int * recv_info,
int * ierror )

Exchange of the coupling fields

[in]send_field- send buffer (all data is stored in one contiguous part of the memory) dimensions send_field[collection_size] [nbr_fields] [nbr_points]
[in]recv_field- receive buffer (all data is stored in one contiguous part of the memory) dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[out]send_info- returned send info
[out]recv_info- returned recv info
[out]ierror- returned error

Definition at line 2686 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cexchange_frac()

void yac_cexchange_frac ( int const send_field_id,
int const recv_field_id,
int const collection_size,
double ***const send_field,
double ***const send_frac_mask,
double ** recv_field,
int * send_info,
int * recv_info,
int * ierror )

Exchange of the coupling fields

[in]send_field- send buffer dimensions send_field[collection_size] [nbr_fields] [nbr_points]
[in]send_frac_mask- send fractional mask dimensions send_frac_mask[collection_size] [nbr_fields] [nbr_points]
[in]recv_field- receive buffer dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[out]send_info- returned send info
[out]recv_info- returned recv info
[out]ierror- returned error

Definition at line 2827 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cexchange_frac_()

void yac_cexchange_frac_ ( int const send_field_id,
int const recv_field_id,
int const collection_size,
double * send_field,
double * send_frac_mask,
double * recv_field,
int * send_info,
int * recv_info,
int * ierror )

Exchange of the coupling fields

[in]send_field- send buffer (all data is stored in one contiguous part of the memory) dimensions send_field[collection_size] [nbr_fields] [nbr_points]
[in]send_frac_mask- send fractional mask (all data is stored in one contiguous part of the memory) dimensions send_frac_mask[collection_size] [nbr_fields] [nbr_points]
[in]recv_field- receive buffer (all data is stored in one contiguous part of the memory) dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[out]send_info- returned send info
[out]recv_info- returned recv info
[out]ierror- returned error

Definition at line 2719 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cexchange_frac_ptr_()

void yac_cexchange_frac_ptr_ ( int const send_field_id,
int const recv_field_id,
int const collection_size,
double ** send_field,
double ** send_frac_mask,
double ** recv_field,
int * send_info,
int * recv_info,
int * ierror )

Sending of the coupling fields

[in]send_field- send buffer dimensions send_field[collection_size * nbr_fields] [nbr_points]
[in]send_frac_mask- send buffer dimensions send_frac_mask[collection_size * nbr_fields] [nbr_points]
[in]recv_field- receive buffer dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[out]send_info- returned send info
[out]recv_info- returned recv info
[out]ierror- returned error

Definition at line 2791 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cexchange_ptr_()

void yac_cexchange_ptr_ ( int const send_field_id,
int const recv_field_id,
int const collection_size,
double ** send_field,
double ** recv_field,
int * send_info,
int * recv_info,
int * ierror )

Sending of the coupling fields

[in]send_field- send buffer dimensions send_field[collection_size * nbr_fields] [nbr_points]
[in]recv_field- receive buffer dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[out]send_info- returned send info
[out]recv_info- returned recv info
[out]ierror- returned error

Definition at line 2761 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cfinalize()

void yac_cfinalize ( )

Cleans up default YAC instance (if available) and finales MPI, if it was initialised by YAC

Definition at line 619 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cfinalize_instance()

void yac_cfinalize_instance ( int yac_instance_id)

Cleans up provided YAC instance and finales MPI, if it was initialised by YAC

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance to be finalised

Definition at line 610 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cfree_ext_couple_config()

void yac_cfree_ext_couple_config ( int ext_couple_config_id)

Frees an extended coupling configuration


Definition at line 1373 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cfree_interp_stack_config()

void yac_cfree_interp_stack_config ( int interp_stack_config_id)

frees a stack trace

[in]interp_stack_config_idinterpolation stack

Definition at line 3681 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget()

void yac_cget ( int const field_id,
int const collection_size,
double ** recv_field,
int * info,
int * ierror )

Receiving of the coupling fields

[in]recv_field- receive buffer dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[out]info- returned info argument indicating the action performed
[out]ierror- returned error

Definition at line 2007 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_()

void yac_cget_ ( int const field_id,
int const collection_size,
double * recv_field,
int * info,
int * ierror )

Receiving of the coupling fields

[in]recv_field- receive buffer (all data is stored in one contiguous part of the memory) dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[in]info- returned info argument indicating the action performed
[out]ierror- returned error

Definition at line 1989 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_action()

void yac_cget_action ( int field_id,
int * action )

Returns the action a put/get would return for the current timestep

[in]field_idfield id returned by yac_cdef_field
If the exchange type of the field is YAC_EXCHANGE_TYPE_NONE, this routine will return YAC_ACTION_NONE.
If this routine is called before yac_cenddef, the behaviour is undefined.

Definition at line 1767 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_async()

void yac_cget_async ( int const field_id,
int const collection_size,
double ** recv_field,
int * info,
int * ierror )

Receiving of the coupling fields

[in]recv_field- receive buffer dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[out]info- returned info argument indicating the action performed
[out]ierror- returned error
This routine returns immediately without waiting for the receive operation to be completed. The user should not access the memory associated with recv_field until this is the case. This can be achieved by calling yac_cwait.

Definition at line 2016 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_async_()

void yac_cget_async_ ( int const field_id,
int const collection_size,
double * recv_field,
int * info,
int * ierror )

Receiving of the coupling fields

[in]recv_field- receive buffer (all data is stored in one contiguous part of the memory) dimensions: recv_field[collection_size][nbr_points]
[in]info- returned info argument indicating the action performed
[out]ierror- returned error
This routine returns immediately without waiting for the receive operation to be completed. The user should not access the memory associated with recv_field until this is the case. This can be achieved by calling yac_cwait.

Definition at line 1998 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_calendar()

int yac_cget_calendar ( )

Gets the calendar of the default instance

Definition at line 665 of file yac.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_collection_size_from_field_id()

int yac_cget_collection_size_from_field_id ( int field_id)

query routine to get the collection_size of a field for a given ID

[in]field_idID as provided by yac_cdef_field

Definition at line 3300 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_comp_comm()

void yac_cget_comp_comm ( int comp_id,
MPI_Comm * comp_comm )

Providing the component MPI communicator

[in]comp_idlocal component ID (from yac_cdef_comp), handle to the component struct
[out]comp_commcomponent communicator

Definition at line 729 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_comp_grid_names()

void yac_cget_comp_grid_names ( const char * comp_name,
int nbr_grids,
const char ** grid_names )

query routine to get the list of grid names of a given component that are referenced by at least one defined field or have metadata assigned to it

[in]comp_namename of the component
[in]nbr_gridsnumber of grids
[out]grid_nameslist of grid names

Definition at line 3219 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_comp_grid_names_instance()

void yac_cget_comp_grid_names_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char * comp_name,
int nbr_grids,
const char ** grid_names )

query routine to get the list of grid names of a given component that are referenced by at least one defined field or have metadata assigned to it

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance
[in]comp_namename of the component
[in]nbr_gridsnumber of grids
[out]grid_nameslist of grid names

Definition at line 3177 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_comp_names()

void yac_cget_comp_names ( int nbr_comps,
const char ** comp_names )

query routine to get the list of component names for defined the default YAC instance.

[in]nbr_compsnumber of components
[out]comp_nameslist of component names

Definition at line 3146 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_comp_names_instance()

void yac_cget_comp_names_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
int nbr_comps,
const char ** comp_names )

query routine to get the list of component names for defined

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance
[in]nbr_compsnumber of components
[out]comp_nameslist of component names

Definition at line 3126 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_comp_nbr_grids()

int yac_cget_comp_nbr_grids ( const char * comp_name)

query routine for number of grids defined in the default YAC instance for a given components that is referenced by at least one defined field.

number of components

Definition at line 3096 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_comp_nbr_grids_instance()

int yac_cget_comp_nbr_grids_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char * comp_name )

query routine for number of grids defined for a given components that is referenced by at least one defined field.

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance
number of components

Definition at line 3073 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_component_metadata()

const char * yac_cget_component_metadata ( const char * comp_name)

Get metadata for a component

metadata (NULL if no metadata is defined)

Definition at line 1319 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_component_metadata_instance()

const char * yac_cget_component_metadata_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char * comp_name )

Get metadata for a component

metadata (NULL if no metadata is defined)

Definition at line 1311 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_component_name_from_field_id()

const char * yac_cget_component_name_from_field_id ( int field_id)

query routine to get the component name for a given ID

[in]field_idID as provided by yac_cdef_field
comp_name component name of the fields component. (array of length YAC_MAX_CHARLEN)

Definition at line 3271 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_comps_comm()

void yac_cget_comps_comm ( const char ** comp_names,
int num_comps,
MPI_Comm * comps_comm )

Generates an MPI communicator that contains all processes of the provided components

[in]comp_namesname of components
[in]num_compsnumber of components
[out]comps_commgenerated communicator
the components have to defined in the default YAC instance
the local process has to be in at least one of the provided components
this call is collective for all processes in the provided components

Definition at line 779 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_comps_comm_instance()

void yac_cget_comps_comm_instance ( int yac_instance_id,
const char ** comp_names,
int num_comps,
MPI_Comm * comps_comm )

Generates an MPI communicator that contains all processes of the provided components

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance
[in]comp_namesname of components
[in]num_compsnumber of components
[out]comps_commgenerated communicator
the local process has to be in at least one of the provided components
this call is collective for all processes in the provided components

Definition at line 769 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_default_instance_id()

int yac_cget_default_instance_id ( )

Getter function for the default instance

Returns the instance id of the default instance.

The default instance needs to be initialised before calling this function
The instance id of the default instance

Definition at line 376 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_end_datetime()

char * yac_cget_end_datetime ( void )

query routine for the end datetime of the job of the default YAC instance

Definition at line 694 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_end_datetime_instance()

char * yac_cget_end_datetime_instance ( int yac_instance_id)

query routine for the end datetime of the job

[in]yac_instance_idid of the YAC instance

Definition at line 687 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_ext_couple_config()

void yac_cget_ext_couple_config ( int * ext_couple_config_id)

Get an extended coupling configuration (all parameters are set to the default values)

[out]ext_couple_config_idextended coupling configuration

Definition at line 1365 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_ext_couple_config_mapping_side()

void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_mapping_side ( int ext_couple_config_id,
int * mapping_side )

Gets the mapping side

[in]ext_couple_config_idextended coupling configuration
[out]mapping_sidemapping side

Definition at line 1426 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_ext_couple_config_scale_factor()

void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_scale_factor ( int ext_couple_config_id,
double * scale_factor )

Gets the scale factor

[in]ext_couple_config_idextended coupling configuration

Definition at line 1449 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_ext_couple_config_scale_summand()

void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_scale_summand ( int ext_couple_config_id,
double * scale_summand )

Gets the scale summand

[in]ext_couple_config_idextended coupling configuration

Definition at line 1472 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_ext_couple_config_src_mask_names()

void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_src_mask_names ( int ext_couple_config_id,
size_t * num_src_mask_names,
char const *const ** src_mask_names )

Gets source mask names

[in]ext_couple_config_idextended coupling configuration
[out]num_src_mask_namesnumber of source mask names
[out]src_mask_namessource mask names

Definition at line 1503 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yac_cget_ext_couple_config_tgt_mask_name()

void yac_cget_ext_couple_config_tgt_mask_name ( int ext_couple_config_id,
char const ** tgt_mask_name )

Gets target mask name

[in]ext_couple_config_idextended coupling configuration
[out]tgt_mask_nametarget mask name

Definition at line 1527 of file yac.c.

Here is the call graph for this function: