YetAnotherCoupler 3.5.2
Data Types | |
class | _UnstructuredGridBase |
class | Action |
class | AverageReductionType |
Reduction type for average interpolation. More... | |
class | Calendar |
Calendar type for use in def_calendar. More... | |
class | CloudGrid |
class | Component |
Stores the component_id and provides further functionality. More... | |
class | ConfigOutputFormat |
class | ConfigOutputSyncLoc |
class | ConservNormalizationType |
Normalization type for conservative interpolation. More... | |
class | Curve2dGrid |
A curvilinear stuctured 2d Grid. More... | |
class | ExchangeType |
Exchange type of a field. More... | |
class | Field |
Store the field_id. More... | |
class | Grid |
Stores the grid_id and provides further functionality. More... | |
class | InterpolationStack |
class | Location |
Location for points. More... | |
class | Mask |
Stores the mask_id. More... | |
class | NCCReductionType |
Reduction type for ncc interpolation. More... | |
class | NNNReductionType |
Reduction type for nnn interpolation. More... | |
class | Points |
Stores the points_id and provides further functionality. More... | |
class | Reduction |
Reduction type for the definition of interpolations. More... | |
class | Reg2dGrid |
A stuctured 2d Grid. More... | |
class | SPMAPScaleType |
class | SPMAPWeightType |
Refers to YAC_SPMAP_AVG and YAC_SPMAP_DIST. More... | |
class | TimeUnit |
class | UnstructuredGrid |
An unstuctured 2d Grid. More... | |
class | UnstructuredGridEdge |
class | YAC |
Initializies a YAC instance and provides further functionality. More... | |
interface | yac_abort_message |
type | yac_dble_ptr |
interface | yac_fadd_interp_stack_config_average |
interface | yac_fadd_interp_stack_config_conservative |
interface | yac_fadd_interp_stack_config_creep |
interface | yac_fadd_interp_stack_config_fixed |
interface | yac_fadd_interp_stack_config_hcsbb |
interface | yac_fadd_interp_stack_config_ncc |
interface | yac_fadd_interp_stack_config_nnn |
interface | yac_fadd_interp_stack_config_spmap |
interface | yac_fadd_interp_stack_config_user_file |
interface | yac_fcheck_field_dimensions |
Fortran interface for checking the dimensions of a field. More... | |
interface | yac_fcleanup |
Fortran interface for the coupler cleanup before restart. More... | |
interface | yac_fcomponent_has_metadata |
interface | yac_fcompute_grid_cell_areas |
interface | yac_fdef_calendar |
interface | yac_fdef_comp |
interface | yac_fdef_comp_dummy |
interface | yac_fdef_component_metadata |
interface | yac_fdef_comps |
interface | yac_fdef_couple |
Fortran interface for definition of a couple. More... | |
interface | yac_fdef_datetime |
Fortran interface for the definition of time parameters. More... | |
interface | yac_fdef_field |
Fortran interface for the definition of coupling fields using default masks. More... | |
interface | yac_fdef_field_mask |
Fortran interface for the definition of coupling fields using explicit masks. More... | |
interface | yac_fdef_field_metadata |
interface | yac_fdef_grid |
Fortran interface for the definition of grids. More... | |
interface | yac_fdef_grid_metadata |
interface | yac_fdef_mask |
interface | yac_fdef_mask_named |
interface | yac_fdef_points |
Fortran interface for the definition of points. More... | |
interface | yac_fenable_field_frac_mask |
interface | yac_fenddef |
Fortran interface for invoking the end of the definition phase. More... | |
interface | yac_fexchange |
Fortran interface for exchanging coupling fields. More... | |
interface | yac_ffield_has_metadata |
interface | yac_ffinalize |
Fortran interface for the coupler termination. More... | |
interface | yac_ffree_interp_stack_config |
interface | yac_fget |
Fortran interface for receiving coupling fields. More... | |
interface | yac_fget_action |
interface | yac_fget_async |
Fortran interface for asynchronous receiving coupling fields. More... | |
interface | yac_fget_calendar |
interface | yac_fget_comp_comm |
Fortran interface for getting back a local MPI communicator. More... | |
interface | yac_fget_comp_grid_names |
interface | yac_fget_comp_names |
interface | yac_fget_component_metadata |
interface | yac_fget_component_name |
interface | yac_fget_comps_comm |
Fortran interface for getting back a MPI communicator for communication between components. More... | |
interface | yac_fget_default_instance_id |
Fortran interface for getting default instance id. More... | |
interface | yac_fget_end_datetime |
interface | yac_fget_field_collection_size |
interface | yac_fget_field_datetime |
interface | yac_fget_field_frac_mask_fallback_value |
interface | yac_fget_field_id |
interface | yac_fget_field_metadata |
interface | yac_fget_field_name |
interface | yac_fget_field_names |
interface | yac_fget_field_role |
interface | yac_fget_field_source |
interface | yac_fget_field_timestep |
interface | yac_fget_grid_metadata |
interface | yac_fget_grid_name |
interface | yac_fget_grid_names |
interface | yac_fget_grid_size |
Fortran interface for invoking query functions. More... | |
interface | yac_fget_interp_stack_config |
Fortran interfaces for the definition of an interpolation stack. More... | |
interface | yac_fget_interp_stack_config_from_string_json |
interface | yac_fget_interp_stack_config_from_string_yaml |
interface | yac_fget_points_size |
interface | yac_fget_start_datetime |
Fortran interface for getting the start- and end datetime. More... | |
interface | yac_fget_version |
interface | yac_fgrid_has_metadata |
interface | yac_finit |
interface | yac_finit_comm |
interface | yac_finit_dummy |
interface | yac_fmpi_handshake |
interface | yac_fpredef_comp |
Fortran interface for the component definition. More... | |
interface | yac_fput |
Fortran interface for sending coupling fields. More... | |
interface | yac_fread_config_json |
interface | yac_fread_config_yaml |
Fortran interface for the reading of configuration files. More... | |
interface | yac_fset_config_output_file |
Fortran interface for the writing of configuration files. More... | |
interface | yac_fset_core_mask |
Fortran interface for the setting of a grid core masks. More... | |
interface | yac_fset_global_index |
Fortran interface for the setting of grid global ids. More... | |
interface | yac_fset_grid_output_file |
Fortran interface for the writing of grid files. More... | |
interface | yac_fset_mask |
Fortran interface for the setting of default pointset masks. More... | |
interface | yac_fsync_def |
Fortran interface for invoking the end of the definition phase. More... | |
interface | yac_ftest |
Fortran interface for testing fields for active communicaitons. More... | |
interface | yac_fupdate |
interface | yac_fwait |
Fortran interface for testing fields for active communicaitons. More... | |
type | yac_real_ptr |
pointer data types More... | |
type | yac_string |
Functions/Subroutines | |
def_calendar (Calendar calendar) | |
get_calendar () | |
version () | |
Variables | |
integer, parameter | yac_max_charlen = 132 |
Constants. | |
integer, parameter | yac_mpi_fint_kind = YAC_MPI_FINT_FC_KIND |
integer | yac_yaml_emitter_default_f |
Flag paramters for emitting of coupling configurations. | |
integer | yac_yaml_emitter_json_f |
_logger = logging.getLogger("yac") | |
_prev_abort_func | |
anonymous enum |
Point types.
Enumerator | |
yac_location_cell | |
yac_location_corner | |
yac_location_edge |
Definition at line 71 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Exchange types.
Enumerator | |
yac_exchange_type_none | |
yac_exchange_type_source | |
yac_exchange_type_target |
Definition at line 83 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
yac_spmap_avg | |
yac_spmap_dist |
Definition at line 175 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
yac_spmap_none | |
yac_spmap_srcarea | |
yac_spmap_invtgtarea | |
yac_spmap_fracarea |
Definition at line 180 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Flag paramters for writing of coupling configurations files.
Enumerator | |
yac_config_output_format_yaml | |
yac_config_output_format_json |
Definition at line 193 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
yac_config_output_sync_loc_def_comp | |
yac_config_output_sync_loc_sync_def | |
yac_config_output_sync_loc_enddef |
Definition at line 198 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Action types (see also event.h)
Definition at line 95 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Time units.
Enumerator | |
yac_time_unit_millisecond | |
yac_time_unit_second | |
yac_time_unit_minute | |
yac_time_unit_hour | |
yac_time_unit_day | |
yac_time_unit_month | |
yac_time_unit_year | |
yac_time_unit_iso_format |
Definition at line 109 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Reduction types (see also event.h)
Enumerator | |
yac_reduction_time_none | |
yac_reduction_time_accumulate | |
yac_reduction_time_average | |
yac_reduction_time_minimum | |
yac_reduction_time_maximum |
Definition at line 126 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Calendar types for use in yac_fdef_calendar.
Enumerator | |
yac_calendar_not_set | |
yac_proleptic_gregorian | |
yac_year_of_365_days | |
yac_year_of_360_days |
Definition at line 139 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Parameters for interpolations.
Enumerator | |
yac_avg_arithmetic | |
yac_avg_dist | |
yac_avg_bary |
Definition at line 152 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
yac_ncc_avg | |
yac_ncc_dist |
Definition at line 158 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
yac_nnn_avg | |
yac_nnn_dist | |
yac_nnn_gauss | |
yac_nnn_rbf |
Definition at line 163 of file yac_module.F90.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
yac_conserv_destarea | |
yac_conserv_fracarea |
Definition at line 170 of file yac_module.F90.
yac.def_calendar | ( | Calendar | calendar | ) |
Definition at line 467 of file yac.pyx.
yac.get_calendar | ( | ) |
Definition at line 473 of file yac.pyx.
yac.version | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1756 of file yac.pyx.
integer, parameter yac::yac_max_charlen = 132 |
Definition at line 61 of file yac_module.F90.
integer, parameter yac::yac_mpi_fint_kind = YAC_MPI_FINT_FC_KIND |
Definition at line 62 of file yac_module.F90.
integer yac::yac_yaml_emitter_default_f |
Flag paramters for emitting of coupling configurations.
Definition at line 210 of file yac_module.F90.
integer yac::yac_yaml_emitter_json_f |
Definition at line 211 of file yac_module.F90.