YetAnotherCoupler 3.5.2
No Matches

This contains examples on gcxlatc_vec.

// Copyright (c) 2024 The YAC Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "test_cxc.h"
#include "geometry.h"
static void test_gcxlatc(double lon_a, double lat_a, double lon_b, double lat_b,
double lon_c, double lat_c, double lon_d, double lat_d,
double lon_ref_p, double lat_ref_p,
double lon_ref_q, double lat_ref_q, int ref_ret_val);
int main (void) {
enum {
p_between_ab = 1,
q_between_ab = 2,
p_between_cd = 4,
q_between_cd = 8,
circles_are_identically = 16
// simple example
test_gcxlatc(-10, 10, // point a
10, 10, // point b
-10, 0, // point c
10, 0, // point d
90, 0, // reference point p
-90, 0, // reference point q
no_intersection); // reference return value
// simple example
test_gcxlatc(-10, 10, // point a
10, -10, // point b
-10, 0, // point c
10, 0, // point d
180, 0, // reference point p
0, 0, // reference point q
q_between_ab + q_between_cd); // reference return value
// example from test program
test_gcxlatc( 0, 90, // point a
140, 60, // point b
90, -45, // point c
39, -45, // point d
140, -45, // reference point p
-40, -45, // reference point q
no_intersection); // reference return value
// both circles do not intersect
test_gcxlatc(-10, 10, // point a
10, 9, // point b
-10, 70, // point c
10, 70, // point d
-10, 70, // reference point p
10, 70, // reference point q
-1); // reference return value
test_gcxlatc(-10, 9, // point a
10, 10, // point b
-10, 70, // point c
10, 70, // point d
-10, 70, // reference point p
10, 70, // reference point q
-1); // reference return value
// the great circle only touches the circle of latitude
test_gcxlatc(-90, 0, // point a
0, 45, // point b
-10, 45, // point c
10, 45, // point d
0, 45, // reference point p
0, 45, // reference point q
p_between_ab + p_between_cd +
q_between_ab + q_between_cd); // reference return value
// the circle of latitude is on the pole and does not intersect the great circle
test_gcxlatc(-90, 0, // point a
0, 45, // point b
10, 90, // point c
20, 90, // point d
10, 90, // reference point p
20, 90, // reference point q
-1); // reference return value
// the circle of latitude is on the pole and does intersect the great circle
test_gcxlatc(15 , 85, // point a
180 + 15, 85, // point b
10 , 90, // point c
20 , 90, // point d
0, 90, // reference point p
0, -90, // reference point q
p_between_ab + p_between_cd); // reference return value
// the circle of latitude is on the pole and does intersect the great circle
test_gcxlatc(30, 90, // point a
30, 70, // point b
10, 90, // point c
20, 90, // point d
0, 90, // reference point p
0, -90, // reference point q
p_between_ab + p_between_cd); // reference return value
// the great circle edge has a length of zero and has no intersection with
// the circle of latitude
test_gcxlatc(30, 70, // point a
30, 70, // point b
10, 60, // point c
20, 60, // point d
-1, -1, // reference point p
-1, -1, // reference point q
-1); // reference return value
// the great circle edge has a length of zero and an intersection with
// the circle of latitude
test_gcxlatc( 15, 10, // point a
15, 10, // point b
10, 10, // point c
20, 10, // point d
15, 10, // reference point p
195, 10, // reference point q
p_between_ab + p_between_cd); // reference return value
// the latitude circle edge has a length of zero and has no intersection with
// the great circle edge
test_gcxlatc(-5, -5, // point a
5, 5, // point b
10, 89, // point c
10, 89, // point d
-1, -1, // reference point p
-1, -1, // reference point q
-1); // reference return value
// the latitude circle edge has a length of zero and has no intersection with
// the great circle edge
test_gcxlatc(-5, -5, // point a
5, 5, // point b
10, 0, // point c
10, 0, // point d
-1, -1, // reference point p
-1, -1, // reference point q
-1); // reference return value
// the latitude circle edge has a length of zero and has an intersection with
// the great circle edge
test_gcxlatc( -5, -5, // point a
5, 5, // point b
0, 0, // point c
0, 0, // point d
0, 0, // reference point p
0+180, 0, // reference point q
p_between_ab + p_between_cd); // reference return value
// example taken from a toy...caused a crash
double a[3] = {-0.18125814883147034, -0.5578552203226167, -0.80990310324198245};
double b[3] = {-0.18125814875183416, -0.557855220392383, -0.80990310321175063};
double c[3] = {-0.18673822182292288, -0.54232717509597339, -0.8191520442889918};
double d[3] = {-0.1772448664054937, -0.5455036073850148, -0.8191520442889918};
double p[3], q[3];
// example taken from a toy...caused a crash
double a[3] = {0.049067638730680319, 0.0012045429209767452, -0.99879473161693588};
double b[3] = {0.049067674327417689, 0, -0.99879545620517241};
double c[3] = {0.049067674327418126, 0, -0.99879545620517241};
double d[3] = {0.049052896061289972, 0.0012041810087570048, -0.99879545620517241};
double p[3], q[3];
// both circles are on the equator and they do intersect
test_gcxlatc(-10, 0, // point a
10, 0, // point b
-10, 0, // point c
10, 0, // point d
-10, 0, // reference point p
10, 0, // reference point q
p_between_ab + p_between_cd +
q_between_ab + q_between_cd +
circles_are_identically); // reference return value
test_gcxlatc( 0, 0, // point a
10, 0, // point b
-10, 0, // point c
10, 0, // point d
0, 0, // reference point p
10, 0, // reference point q
p_between_ab + p_between_cd +
q_between_ab + q_between_cd +
circles_are_identically); // reference return value
test_gcxlatc( -5, 0, // point a
5, 0, // point b
-10, 0, // point c
10, 0, // point d
-5, 0, // reference point p
5, 0, // reference point q
p_between_ab + p_between_cd +
q_between_ab + q_between_cd +
circles_are_identically); // reference return value
test_gcxlatc(-10, 0, // point a
10, 0, // point b
-5, 0, // point c
5, 0, // point d
-5, 0, // reference point p
5, 0, // reference point q
p_between_ab + p_between_cd +
q_between_ab + q_between_cd +
circles_are_identically); // reference return value
// both circles are on the equator and they do not intersect
test_gcxlatc(170, 0, // point a
190, 0, // point b
-10, 0, // point c
10, 0, // point d
180, 0, // reference point p
0, 0, // reference point q
p_between_ab + q_between_cd +
circles_are_identically); // reference return value
static void test_gcxlatc(double lon_a, double lat_a, double lon_b, double lat_b,
double lon_c, double lat_c, double lon_d, double lat_d,
double lon_ref_p, double lat_ref_p,
double lon_ref_q, double lat_ref_q, int ref_ret_val) {
test_cxc(lon_a, lat_a, lon_b, lat_b, lon_c, lat_c, lon_d, lat_d,
lon_ref_p, lat_ref_p, lon_ref_q, lat_ref_q, ref_ret_val);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int yac_intersect_vec(enum yac_edge_type edge_type_a, double const a[3], double const b[3], enum yac_edge_type edge_type_b, double const c[3], double const d[3], double p[3], double q[3])
great circle
Definition grid_cell.h:13
latitude circle
Definition grid_cell.h:14
@ no_intersection