YetAnotherCoupler 3.5.2
No Matches

These are some examples on how to use yac_get_cell_bounding_circle.

// Copyright (c) 2024 The YAC Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "tests.h"
#include "geometry.h"
#include "grid_cell.h"
#include "test_common.h"
double const tol = 1.0e-10;
static void check_latlon_cell(double * coordinates_x, double * coordinates_y);
static void check_gc_triangle(double * coordinates_x, double * coordinates_y);
static void check_gc_quad(double * coordinates_x, double * coordinates_y);
// tests whether all corners of cell are within the bounding circle
static void test_circle(struct yac_grid_cell cell, struct bounding_circle circle);
static void test_cirumscribe_circle(struct yac_grid_cell cell, struct bounding_circle circle);
// tests whether a point is within the bounding circle
static unsigned point_in_circle(double point[3], struct bounding_circle circle);
int main (void) {
{ // test regular cell
double coordinates_x[] = {-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
check_latlon_cell(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test regular cell
double coordinates_x[] = {40.0, 45.0, 45.0, 40.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {20.0, 20.0, 25.0, 25.0};
check_latlon_cell(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test regular cell
double coordinates_x[] = { 175.0, -175.0, -175.0, 175.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {-5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0};
check_latlon_cell(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test regular cell
double coordinates_x[] = {30.0, 40.0, 40.0, 30.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {80.0, 80.0, 85.0, 85.0};
check_latlon_cell(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test regular cell
double coordinates_x[] = {30.0, 40.0, 40.0, 30.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {80.0, 80.0, 90.0, 90.0};
check_latlon_cell(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test triangle
double coordinates_x[] = {-5.0, 5.0, 0.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {-5.0, 5.0, -5.0};
check_gc_triangle(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test triangle
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 120.0, -120.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {85.0, 85.0, 85.0};
check_gc_triangle(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test triangle
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 120.0, -120.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {-85.0, -85.0, -85.0};
check_gc_triangle(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test triangle
double coordinates_x[] = {-5.0, 5.0, 1.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
check_gc_triangle(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test triangle
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 170.0, 260.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {85.0, 85.0, 89.0};
check_gc_triangle(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test great circle quad
double coordinates_x[] = {-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
check_gc_quad(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test great circle quad
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {85.0, 85.0, 85.0, 85.0};
check_gc_quad(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test great circle quad
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {-85.0, -85.0, -85.0, -85.0};
check_gc_quad(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
{ // test great circle quad
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 10.0, 0.0, -10.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {-10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0};
check_gc_quad(coordinates_x, coordinates_y);
static void check_gc_triangle(double * coordinates_x, double * coordinates_y) {
enum yac_edge_type edges[] = {
for (int order = -1; order <= 1; order += 2) {
for (int start = 0; start < 3; ++start) {
double temp_coordinates_x[3];
double temp_coordinates_y[3];
double coords[3][3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
temp_coordinates_x[i] = coordinates_x[(3+i*order+start)%3];
temp_coordinates_y[i] = coordinates_y[(3+i*order+start)%3];
temp_coordinates_y[i]*YAC_RAD, coords[i]);
struct yac_grid_cell cell =
generate_cell_deg(temp_coordinates_x, temp_coordinates_y, edges, 3);
struct bounding_circle bnd_circle[3];
yac_get_cell_bounding_circle(cell, bnd_circle+0);
coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], bnd_circle+1);
coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], bnd_circle+2);
// if (bnd_circle[1].inc_angle > bnd_circle[0].inc_angle)
bnd_circle[1].inc_angle, bnd_circle[0].inc_angle) > 0)
PUT_ERR("get_cell_bounding_circle_unstruct_triangle did not "
"compute smallest bounding circle\n");
test_circle(cell, bnd_circle[0]);
test_circle(cell, bnd_circle[1]);
test_circle(cell, bnd_circle[2]);
test_cirumscribe_circle(cell, bnd_circle[2]);
static void check_gc_quad(double * coordinates_x, double * coordinates_y) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (int order = -1; order <= 1; order += 2) {
for (int start = 0; start < 4; ++start) {
double temp_coordinates_x[4];
double temp_coordinates_y[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
temp_coordinates_x[i] = coordinates_x[(4+i*order+start)%4];
temp_coordinates_y[i] = coordinates_y[(4+i*order+start)%4];
struct yac_grid_cell cell =
generate_cell_deg(temp_coordinates_x, temp_coordinates_y, edges, 4);
struct bounding_circle bnd_circle;
yac_get_cell_bounding_circle(cell, &bnd_circle);
test_circle(cell, bnd_circle);
static void check_latlon_cell(double * coordinates_x, double * coordinates_y) {
for (int order = -1; order <= 1; order += 2) {
for (int start = 0; start < 4; ++start) {
double temp_coordinates_x[4];
double temp_coordinates_y[4];
enum yac_edge_type edges[4];
double coords[4][3];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
temp_coordinates_x[i] = coordinates_x[(4+i*order+start)%4];
temp_coordinates_y[i] = coordinates_y[(4+i*order+start)%4];
temp_coordinates_y[i]*YAC_RAD, coords[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
int temp[2] =
{fabs(temp_coordinates_x[i] - temp_coordinates_x[(i+3)%4]) > 0.0,
fabs(temp_coordinates_y[i] - temp_coordinates_y[(i+3)%4]) > 0.0};
YAC_ASSERT(temp[0] != temp[1], "internal error")
edges[i] = (temp[0])?(YAC_LON_CIRCLE_EDGE):(YAC_LAT_CIRCLE_EDGE);
struct yac_grid_cell cell =
generate_cell_deg(temp_coordinates_x, temp_coordinates_y, edges, 4);
struct bounding_circle bnd_circle[3];
yac_get_cell_bounding_circle(cell, bnd_circle+0);
coords[2], bnd_circle+1);
coords[2], bnd_circle+2);
// if (bnd_circle[1].inc_angle > bnd_circle[0].inc_angle + tol)
PUT_ERR("get_cell_bounding_circle_reg_quad did not "
"compute smallest bounding circle\n");
test_circle(cell, bnd_circle[0]);
test_circle(cell, bnd_circle[1]);
test_circle(cell, bnd_circle[2]);
test_cirumscribe_circle(cell, bnd_circle[2]);
static void test_circle(struct yac_grid_cell cell, struct bounding_circle circle) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < cell.num_corners; ++i)
if (!point_in_circle(cell.coordinates_xyz[i], circle))
PUT_ERR("point is not in bounding circle\n");
static void test_cirumscribe_circle(
struct yac_grid_cell cell, struct bounding_circle circle) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < cell.num_corners; ++i) {
struct sin_cos_angle inc_angle =
struct sin_cos_angle angle =
struct sin_cos_angle diff_angle;
int neg = sub_angles(inc_angle, angle, &diff_angle);
if (neg) PUT_ERR("not all points are on the circumscribe circle\n");
static unsigned point_in_circle(double point[3], struct bounding_circle circle) {
// double const tol = 1.0e-12;
// double const pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
struct sin_cos_angle inc_angle =
*(struct sin_cos_angle*)&(circle.inc_angle), SIN_COS_TOL);
// if (circle.inc_angle + tol >= pi) return 1 == 1;
if (compare_angles(inc_angle, SIN_COS_M_PI) >= 0) return 1 == 1;
get_vector_angle_2(circle.base_vector, point), inc_angle) <= 0;
void yac_get_cell_circumscribe_circle_reg_quad(double a[3], double b[3], double c[3], struct bounding_circle *bnd_circle)
Definition bnd_circle.c:27
void yac_get_cell_circumscribe_circle_unstruct_triangle(double a[3], double b[3], double c[3], struct bounding_circle *bnd_circle)
Definition bnd_circle.c:45
void yac_get_cell_bounding_circle_unstruct_triangle(double a[3], double b[3], double c[3], struct bounding_circle *bnd_circle)
Definition bnd_circle.c:93
void yac_get_cell_bounding_circle_reg_quad(double a[3], double b[3], double c[3], struct bounding_circle *bnd_circle)
Definition bnd_circle.c:36
void yac_get_cell_bounding_circle(struct yac_grid_cell cell, struct bounding_circle *bnd_circle)
Definition bnd_circle.c:160
static double const tol
int main(int argc, char **argv)
static struct sin_cos_angle get_vector_angle_2(double const a[3], double const b[3])
Definition geometry.h:415
static const struct sin_cos_angle SIN_COS_M_PI
Definition geometry.h:49
static struct sin_cos_angle sum_angles_no_check(struct sin_cos_angle a, struct sin_cos_angle b)
Definition geometry.h:524
static const struct sin_cos_angle SIN_COS_TOL
Definition geometry.h:45
#define YAC_RAD
Definition geometry.h:30
static int compare_angles(struct sin_cos_angle a, struct sin_cos_angle b)
Definition geometry.h:428
static int sub_angles(struct sin_cos_angle a, struct sin_cos_angle b, struct sin_cos_angle *restrict sub)
Definition geometry.h:558
static void LLtoXYZ(double lon, double lat, double p_out[])
Definition geometry.h:287
void yac_free_grid_cell(struct yac_grid_cell *cell)
Definition grid_cell.c:44
Definition grid_cell.h:12
great circle
Definition grid_cell.h:13
latitude circle
Definition grid_cell.h:14
longitude circle
Definition grid_cell.h:15
struct sin_cos_angle inc_angle
angle between the middle point and the boundary of the spherical cap
Definition geometry.h:61
double base_vector[3]
Definition geometry.h:59
size_t num_corners
Definition grid_cell.h:21
double(* coordinates_xyz)[3]
Definition grid_cell.h:19
#define YAC_ASSERT(exp, msg)
Definition yac_assert.h:16