YetAnotherCoupler 3.2.0_a
No Matches

A test for the parallel file interpolation method.

// Copyright (c) 2024 The YAC Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "tests.h"
#include "test_common.h"
#include "geometry.h"
#include "interp_method.h"
#include "dist_grid_utils.h"
#include "yac_mpi.h"
#include "weight_file_common.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#include <yaxt.h>
#include <netcdf.h>
double const tol = 1e-7;
double const err_tol = 1e-14;
char const src_grid_name[] = "src_grid";
char const tgt_grid_name[] = "tgt_grid";
char const file_name[] = "";
char const file_name_2[] = "";
static void target_main(MPI_Comm global_comm, MPI_Comm target_comm);
static void source_main(MPI_Comm global_comm, MPI_Comm source_comm);
int main (void) {
int comm_rank, comm_size;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size);
if (comm_size != 3) {
PUT_ERR("ERROR: wrong number of processes");
int tgt_flag = comm_rank < 1;
MPI_Comm split_comm;
MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, tgt_flag, 0, &split_comm);
if (tgt_flag) target_main(MPI_COMM_WORLD, split_comm);
else source_main(MPI_COMM_WORLD, split_comm);
static void source_main(MPI_Comm global_comm,
MPI_Comm source_comm) {
int my_source_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(source_comm, &my_source_rank);
{ // simple weight file interpolation (one link per target point) with two
// source processes and a single target process the source fields have two
// struct points per grid (the test check how the interpolation
// methods handle NULL target coordinates )
// the global source grid has 3x2 cells:
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// 08 03 10 04 12 05 13
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// 04--07--05--09--06--11--07
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// 01 00 03 01 05 02 06
// | | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02--04--03
// setup
// create weight file
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
int src_indices[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};
int tgt_indices[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};
double weights[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};
size_t num_links = 12;
enum yac_location src_locations[2] = {YAC_LOC_CORNER, YAC_LOC_CELL};
enum yac_location tgt_location = YAC_LOC_CORNER;
unsigned num_src_fields = 2;
int num_links_per_field[2] = {num_links, 0};
int * tgt_id_fixed = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_tgt = 0;
double * fixed_values = NULL;
int * num_tgt_per_fixed_value = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_values = 0;
file_name, src_indices, tgt_indices, weights, num_links,
src_locations, num_src_fields, num_links_per_field, tgt_id_fixed,
num_fixed_tgt, fixed_values, num_tgt_per_fixed_value,
num_fixed_values, tgt_location, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name);
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {3,2};
size_t local_start[2][2] = {{0,0},{2,0}};
size_t local_count[2][2] = {{2,2},{1,2}};
int with_halo = 1;
int global_corner_mask[3][4] = {
{1,1,1,1}, {1,1,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}};
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start[my_source_rank], local_count[my_source_rank], with_halo);
int * src_corner_mask =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(*src_corner_mask));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_corner_mask[i] =
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(src_grid_name, grid_data);
src_grid, YAC_LOC_CORNER, src_corner_mask, NULL);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(src_grid, tgt_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = 0},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
for (size_t collection_size = 1; collection_size < 4;
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], collection_size, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double *** src_data = xmalloc(collection_size * sizeof(*src_data));
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) {
src_data[collection_idx] = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(**src_data));
src_data[collection_idx][0] =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(***src_data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_data[collection_idx][0][i] =
(double)(grid_data.vertex_ids[i]) +
(double)(collection_idx * 12);
yac_interpolation_execute_put(interpolation, src_data);
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) {
// cleanup
// cleanup
if (my_source_rank == 0) unlink(file_name);
{ // simple weight file interpolation (multiple links per target point)
// with two source processes and a single target process
// there are two source fields
// the global grid has 4x2 cells:
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// 08 03 10 04 12 05 13
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// 04--07--05--09--06--11--07
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// 01 00 03 01 05 02 06
// | | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02--04--03
// setup
// create weight file
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
int tgt_indices[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3, 3,
4, 4, 4, 4,
5, 5, 5, 5};
int src_indices[] = { 0, 1, 4, 5,
1, 2, 5, 6,
2, 3, 6, 7,
4, 5, 8, 9,
5, 6, 9,10,
6, 7,10,11};
double weights[] = {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,
size_t num_links = 24;
enum yac_location src_locations[2] = {YAC_LOC_CORNER, YAC_LOC_CELL};
enum yac_location tgt_location = YAC_LOC_CORNER;
unsigned num_src_fields = 2;
int num_links_per_field[2] = {num_links, 0};
int * tgt_id_fixed = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_tgt = 0;
double * fixed_values = NULL;
int * num_tgt_per_fixed_value = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_values = 0;
file_name, src_indices, tgt_indices, weights, num_links,
src_locations, num_src_fields, num_links_per_field, tgt_id_fixed,
num_fixed_tgt, fixed_values, num_tgt_per_fixed_value,
num_fixed_values, tgt_location, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name);
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {3,2};
size_t local_start[2][2] = {{0,0},{2,0}};
size_t local_count[2][2] = {{2,2},{1,2}};
int with_halo = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start[my_source_rank], local_count[my_source_rank], with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(src_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(src_grid, tgt_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** src_fields = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*src_fields));
double *** src_data = &src_fields;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_field[i] = (double)(grid_data.vertex_ids[i]);
src_fields[0] = src_field;
yac_interpolation_execute_put(interpolation, src_data);
// cleanup
// cleanup
if (my_source_rank == 0) unlink(file_name);
{ // simple weight file interpolation (multiple links per target point)
// with two source processes and a single target process
// there are two source fields and a source mask
// the global grid has 4x2 cells:
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// 08 03 10 04 12 05 13
// | | | |
// 04--07--05--09--06--11--07
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// 01 00 03 01 05 02 06
// | | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02--04--03
// source mask:
// 0-------1-------1-------1
// | | | |
// | 0 | 1 | 1 |
// | | | |
// 1-------1-------1-------1
// | | | |
// | 1 | 1 | 0 |
// | | | |
// 1-------1-------1-------0
// setup
// create weight file
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
int tgt_indices[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3, 3,
4, 4, 4, 4,
5, 5, 5, 5};
int src_indices[] = { 0, 1, 4, 5,
1, 2, 5, 6,
2, 3, 6, 7,
4, 5, 8, 9,
5, 6, 9,10,
6, 7,10,11};
double weights[] = {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,
size_t num_links = 24;
enum yac_location src_locations[2] = {YAC_LOC_CORNER, YAC_LOC_CELL};
enum yac_location tgt_location = YAC_LOC_CORNER;
unsigned num_src_fields = 2;
int num_links_per_field[2] = {num_links, 0};
int * tgt_id_fixed = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_tgt = 0;
double * fixed_values = NULL;
int * num_tgt_per_fixed_value = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_values = 0;
file_name, src_indices, tgt_indices, weights, num_links,
src_locations, num_src_fields, num_links_per_field, tgt_id_fixed,
num_fixed_tgt, fixed_values, num_tgt_per_fixed_value,
num_fixed_values, tgt_location, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name);
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {3,2};
size_t local_start[2][2] = {{0,0},{2,0}};
size_t local_count[2][2] = {{2,2},{1,2}};
int global_src_vertex_mask[] = {1, 1, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1,
0, 1, 1, 1};
int global_src_cell_mask[] = {1, 1, 0,
0, 1, 1};
int with_halo = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start[my_source_rank], local_count[my_source_rank], with_halo);
int * src_vertex_mask = xmalloc(12 * sizeof(*src_vertex_mask));
int * src_cell_mask = xmalloc(6 * sizeof(*src_cell_mask));;
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_vertex_mask[i] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_cells; ++i)
src_cell_mask[i] =
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid = yac_basic_grid_new(src_grid_name, grid_data);
src_grid, YAC_LOC_CORNER, src_vertex_mask, NULL);
src_grid, YAC_LOC_CELL, src_cell_mask, NULL);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(src_grid, tgt_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = 0},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = 0}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** src_fields = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*src_fields));
double *** src_data = &src_fields;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_field[i] = (double)(grid_data.vertex_ids[i]);
src_fields[0] = src_field;
yac_interpolation_execute_put(interpolation, src_data);
// cleanup
// cleanup
if (my_source_rank == 0) unlink(file_name);
{ // simple weight file interpolation (weight file contains no weights and
// not fixed target points) with two source processes and
// a single target process the source fields have two struct points per
// grid
// the global grid has 4x2 cells:
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// 08 03 10 04 12 05 13
// | | | |
// 04--07--05--09--06--11--07
// | | | |
// 01 00 03 01 05 02 06
// | | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02--04--03
// setup
// create weight file
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
int * tgt_indices = NULL;
int * src_indices = NULL;
double * weights = NULL;
size_t num_links = 0;
enum yac_location src_locations[2] = {YAC_LOC_CORNER, YAC_LOC_CELL};
enum yac_location tgt_location = YAC_LOC_CORNER;
unsigned num_src_fields = 2;
int num_links_per_field[2] = {num_links, 0};
int * tgt_id_fixed = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_tgt = 0;
double * fixed_values = NULL;
int * num_tgt_per_fixed_value = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_values = 0;
file_name, src_indices, tgt_indices, weights, num_links,
src_locations, num_src_fields, num_links_per_field, tgt_id_fixed,
num_fixed_tgt, fixed_values, num_tgt_per_fixed_value,
num_fixed_values, tgt_location, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name);
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {3,2};
size_t local_start[2][2] = {{0,0},{2,0}};
size_t local_count[2][2] = {{2,2},{1,2}};
int with_halo = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start[my_source_rank], local_count[my_source_rank], with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(src_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(src_grid, tgt_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** src_fields = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*src_fields));
double *** src_data = &src_fields;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_field[i] = (double)(grid_data.vertex_ids[i]);
src_fields[0] = src_field;
yac_interpolation_execute_put(interpolation, src_data);
// cleanup
// cleanup
if (my_source_rank == 0) unlink(file_name);
{ // simple weight file interpolation (weight file contains only fixed target
// points) with two source processes and a single target process
// the global grid has 4x2 cells:
// 08--14--09--15--10--16--11
// | | | |
// 08 03 10 04 12 05 13
// | | | |
// 04--07--05--09--06--11--07
// | | | |
// 01 00 03 01 05 02 06
// | | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02--04--03
// setup
// create weight file
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
int * tgt_indices = NULL;
int * src_indices = NULL;
double * weights = NULL;
size_t num_links = 0;
enum yac_location src_locations[2] = {YAC_LOC_CORNER, YAC_LOC_CELL};
enum yac_location tgt_location = YAC_LOC_CORNER;
unsigned num_src_fields = 2;
int num_links_per_field[2] = {num_links, 0};
int tgt_id_fixed[] = {0, 2, 4, 6};
size_t num_fixed_tgt = 4;
double fixed_values[] = {-1.0, -2.0};
int num_tgt_per_fixed_value[] = {1, 3};
size_t num_fixed_values = 2;
file_name, src_indices, tgt_indices, weights, num_links,
src_locations, num_src_fields, num_links_per_field, tgt_id_fixed,
num_fixed_tgt, fixed_values, num_tgt_per_fixed_value,
num_fixed_values, tgt_location, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name);
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {3,2};
size_t local_start[2][2] = {{0,0},{2,0}};
size_t local_count[2][2] = {{2,2},{1,2}};
int with_halo = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start[my_source_rank], local_count[my_source_rank], with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(src_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(src_grid, tgt_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** src_fields = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*src_fields));
double *** src_data = &src_fields;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_field[i] = (double)(grid_data.vertex_ids[i]);
src_fields[0] = src_field;
yac_interpolation_execute_put(interpolation, src_data);
// cleanup
// cleanup
if (my_source_rank == 0) unlink(file_name);
{ // simple weight file interpolation (weight file contains only fixed target
// points) with two source processes and a single target process
// the global grid has 4x2 cells:
// 08--14--09--15--10--16--11
// | | | |
// 08 03 10 04 12 05 13
// | | | |
// 04--07--05--09--06--11--07
// | | | |
// 01 00 03 01 05 02 06
// | | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02--04--03
// setup
// create weight file
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
int * tgt_indices = NULL;
int * src_indices = NULL;
double * weights = NULL;
size_t num_links = 0;
enum yac_location src_locations[] = {YAC_LOC_CORNER};
enum yac_location tgt_location = YAC_LOC_EDGE;
unsigned num_src_fields = 1;
int num_links_per_field[1] = {num_links};
int tgt_id_fixed[] = {1,3,5,7,9,11,0,2,4,6,8,10};
size_t num_fixed_tgt = 12;
double fixed_values[] = {-1.0, -2.0};
int num_tgt_per_fixed_value[] = {6, 6};
size_t num_fixed_values = 2;
file_name, src_indices, tgt_indices, weights, num_links,
src_locations, num_src_fields, num_links_per_field, tgt_id_fixed,
num_fixed_tgt, fixed_values, num_tgt_per_fixed_value,
num_fixed_values, tgt_location, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name);
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {3,2};
size_t local_start[2][2] = {{0,0},{2,0}};
size_t local_count[2][2] = {{2,2},{1,2}};
int with_halo = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start[my_source_rank], local_count[my_source_rank], with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(src_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(src_grid, tgt_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_EDGE, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** src_fields = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*src_fields));
double *** src_data = &src_fields;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_field[i] = (double)(grid_data.vertex_ids[i]);
src_fields[0] = src_field;
yac_interpolation_execute_put(interpolation, src_data);
// cleanup
// cleanup
if (my_source_rank == 0) unlink(file_name);
{ // multi source field weight file interpolation
// with two source processes and a single target process
// the global grid has 2x2 cells:
// 06--10--07--11--08
// | | |
// 06 02 08 03 09
// | | |
// 03--05--04--07--05
// | | |
// 01 00 03 01 04
// | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02
// setup
// weight_type == 0 => weights have different values
// weight_type == 1 => all weights have the value 1.0
// weight_type == 2 => each target gets assigned a value
// from a single source point (from
// varying source field)
for (int weight_type = 0; weight_type <= 2; ++weight_type) {
// create weight file
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
int src_indices[3][36] = {{0,1,2,3,
0,1,3,4, 1,2,4,5, 3,4,6,7, 4,5,7,8,
0,1,3,5, 2,3,4,7, 5,6,8,10, 7,8,9,11},
0,1,3,4, 1,2,4,5, 3,4,6,7, 4,5,7,8,
0,1,3,5, 2,3,4,7, 5,6,8,10, 7,8,9,11},
int tgt_indices[3][36] = {{0,1,2,3,
0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,
0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3},
0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,
0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3},
double weights[3][36] = {{1,1,1,1,
0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25, 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,
0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25, 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,
0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25, 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,
0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25, 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25},
1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,
1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,
1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,
1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1},
size_t num_links[3] = {1*4 + 4*4 + 4*4,
1*4 + 4*4 + 4*4,
1*2 + 1*1 + 1*1};
enum yac_location src_locations[3] =
enum yac_location tgt_location = YAC_LOC_CORNER;
unsigned num_src_fields = 3;
int num_links_per_field[3][3] = {{1*4, 4*4, 4*4},
{1*4, 4*4, 4*4},
{2, 1, 1}};
int * tgt_id_fixed = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_tgt = 0;
double * fixed_values = NULL;
int * num_tgt_per_fixed_value = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_values = 0;
file_name, src_indices[weight_type], tgt_indices[weight_type],
weights[weight_type], num_links[weight_type], src_locations,
num_src_fields, num_links_per_field[weight_type], tgt_id_fixed,
num_fixed_tgt, fixed_values, num_tgt_per_fixed_value,
num_fixed_values, tgt_location, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name);
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {2,2};
size_t local_start[2][2] = {{0,0},{1,0}};
size_t local_count[2][2] = {{1,2},{1,2}};
int with_halo = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start[my_source_rank], local_count[my_source_rank], with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(src_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(src_grid, tgt_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_EDGE, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
// generate weights
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
// write weights to file
weights, file_name_2, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name, 0, 0);
// read weights
struct interp_method * method_stack_file[2] = {
file_name_2, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
struct yac_interp_weights * weights_from_file =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack_file, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (int from_file = 0; from_file <= 1; ++from_file) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
for (size_t collection_size = 1; collection_size <= 16;
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
reorder_type[i], collection_size, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double *** src_data = xmalloc(collection_size * sizeof(*src_data));
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) {
double ** src_fields = xmalloc(3 * sizeof(*src_fields));
src_data[collection_idx] = src_fields;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_cells * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_cells; ++i)
src_field[i] =
(double)(grid_data.cell_ids[i] + 10 * collection_idx) + 0.0;
src_fields[0] = src_field;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_field[i] =
(double)(grid_data.vertex_ids[i] + 10 * collection_idx) + 0.3;
src_fields[1] = src_field;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_edges * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_edges; ++i)
src_field[i] =
(double)(grid_data.edge_ids[i] + 10 * collection_idx) + 0.7;
src_fields[2] = src_field;
yac_interpolation_execute_put(interpolation, src_data);
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) free(src_data[collection_idx][i]);
// cleanup
// cleanup
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
{ // multi source field weight file interpolation
// with two source processes and a single target process
// the global source grid is a 4x4 grid:
// 20--36--21--37--22--38--23--39--24
// | | | | |
// 28 12 30 13 32 14 34 15 35
// | | | | |
// 15--27--16--29--17--31--18--33--19
// | | | | |
// 19 08 21 09 23 10 25 11 26
// | | | | |
// 10--18--11--20--12--22--13--24--14
// | | | | |
// 10 04 12 05 14 06 16 07 17
// | | | | |
// 05--09--06--11--07--13--08--15--09
// | | | | |
// 01 00 03 01 05 02 07 03 08
// | | | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02--04--03--06--04
// setup
// create weight file
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
int src_indices[16] = {0,1,4,8,13,14,
int tgt_indices[16] = {0,1,4,8,13,14,
double weights[16] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,
size_t num_links = 16;
enum yac_location src_locations[3] =
enum yac_location tgt_location = YAC_LOC_CELL;
unsigned num_src_fields = 3;
int num_links_per_field[3] = {6, 5, 5};
int * tgt_id_fixed = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_tgt = 0;
double * fixed_values = NULL;
int * num_tgt_per_fixed_value = NULL;
size_t num_fixed_values = 0;
file_name, src_indices, tgt_indices, weights, num_links,
src_locations, num_src_fields, num_links_per_field, tgt_id_fixed,
num_fixed_tgt, fixed_values, num_tgt_per_fixed_value,
num_fixed_values, tgt_location, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name);
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {4,4};
size_t local_start[2][2] = {{0,0},{2,0}};
size_t local_count[2][2] = {{2,4},{2,4}};
int with_halo = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start[my_source_rank], local_count[my_source_rank], with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(src_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(src_grid, tgt_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_EDGE, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
// generate weights
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
// write weights to file
weights, file_name_2, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name, 0, 0);
// read weights
struct interp_method * method_stack_file[2] = {
file_name_2, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
struct yac_interp_weights * weights_from_file =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack_file, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (int from_file = 0; from_file <= 1; ++from_file) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
for (size_t collection_size = 1; collection_size <= 16;
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
reorder_type[i], collection_size, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double *** src_data = xmalloc(collection_size * sizeof(*src_data));
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) {
double ** src_fields = xmalloc(3 * sizeof(*src_fields));
src_data[collection_idx] = src_fields;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_cells * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_cells; ++i)
src_field[i] =
(double)(grid_data.cell_ids[i] + 10 * collection_idx) + 0.0;
src_fields[0] = src_field;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
src_field[i] =
(double)(grid_data.vertex_ids[i] + 10 * collection_idx) + 0.3;
src_fields[1] = src_field;
double * src_field =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_edges * sizeof(*src_field));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_edges; ++i)
src_field[i] =
(double)(grid_data.edge_ids[i] + 10 * collection_idx) + 0.7;
src_fields[2] = src_field;
yac_interpolation_execute_put(interpolation, src_data);
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) free(src_data[collection_idx][i]);
// cleanup
// cleanup
if (my_source_rank == 0) {
static void target_main(MPI_Comm global_comm,
MPI_Comm target_comm) {
int my_target_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(target_comm, &my_target_rank);
{ // simple weight file interpolation (one link per target point) with two
// source processes and a single target process the source fields have two
// struct points per grid (the test check how the interpolation
// methods handle NULL target coordinates )
// the global target grid has 2x2 cells:
// 06--10--07--11--08
// | | |
// 06 02 08 03 09
// | | |
// 03--05--04--07--05
// | | |
// 01 00 03 01 04
// | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02
// setup
double coordinates_x[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {2,2};
size_t local_start[2] = {0,0};
size_t local_count[2] = {2,2};
int with_halo = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start, local_count, with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(tgt_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(tgt_grid, src_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = 0},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
for (size_t collection_size = 1; collection_size < 4;
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], collection_size, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** tgt_data = xmalloc(collection_size * sizeof(*tgt_data));
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) {
tgt_data[collection_idx] =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(**tgt_data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
tgt_data[collection_idx][i] = -1;
yac_interpolation_execute_get(interpolation, tgt_data);
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
if (i >= 6) {
if (tgt_data[collection_idx][i] != -1.0)
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
} else if (fabs((double)(i * (i + 12 * collection_idx)) -
tgt_data[collection_idx][i]) > 1e-9) {
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
// cleanup
// cleanup
{ // simple weight file interpolation (multiple links per target point)
// with two source processes and a single target process
// there are two source fields
// the global target grid has 2x2 cells:
// 06--10--07--11--08
// | | |
// 06 02 08 03 09
// | | |
// 03--05--04--07--05
// | | |
// 01 00 03 01 04
// | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02
// setup
double coordinates_x[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {2,2};
size_t local_start[2] = {0,0};
size_t local_count[2] = {2,2};
int with_halo = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start, local_count, with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(tgt_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(tgt_grid, src_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** tgt_data = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*tgt_data));
tgt_data[0] =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(**tgt_data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
tgt_data[0][i] = -1;
double ref_tgt_field[9] =
yac_interpolation_execute_get(interpolation, tgt_data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
if (i >= 6) {
if (tgt_data[0][i] != -1.0)
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
} else if (fabs(ref_tgt_field[i] - tgt_data[0][i]) > 1e-9) {
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
// cleanup
// cleanup
{ // simple weight file interpolation (multiple links per target point)
// with two source processes and a single target process
// there are two source fields and source masks
// the global target grid has 2x2 cells:
// 06--10--07--11--08
// | | |
// 06 02 08 03 09
// | | |
// 03--05--04--07--05
// | | |
// 01 00 03 01 04
// | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02
// setup
double coordinates_x[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {2,2};
size_t local_start[2] = {0,0};
size_t local_count[2] = {2,2};
int with_halo = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start, local_count, with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(tgt_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(tgt_grid, src_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = 0},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = 0}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** tgt_data = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*tgt_data));
tgt_data[0] =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(**tgt_data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
tgt_data[0][i] = -1;
double ref_tgt_field[9] =
yac_interpolation_execute_get(interpolation, tgt_data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
if (i >= 6) {
if (tgt_data[0][i] != -1.0)
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
} else if (fabs(ref_tgt_field[i] - tgt_data[0][i]) > 1e-9) {
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
// cleanup
// cleanup
{ // simple weight file interpolation (weight file contains only fixed target
// points) with two source processes and a single target process
// the global target grid has 2x2 cells:
// 06--10--07--11--08
// | | |
// 06 02 08 03 09
// | | |
// 03--05--04--07--05
// | | |
// 01 00 03 01 04
// | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02
// setup
double coordinates_x[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {2,2};
size_t local_start[2] = {0,0};
size_t local_count[2] = {2,2};
int with_halo = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start, local_count, with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(tgt_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(tgt_grid, src_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** tgt_data = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*tgt_data));
tgt_data[0] =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(**tgt_data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
tgt_data[0][i] = -1;
yac_interpolation_execute_get(interpolation, tgt_data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
if (tgt_data[0][i] != -1.0)
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
// cleanup
// cleanup
{ // simple weight file interpolation (weight file contains only fixed target
// points) with two source processes and a single target process
// the global target grid has 2x2 cells:
// 06--10--07--11--08
// | | |
// 06 02 08 03 09
// | | |
// 03--05--04--07--05
// | | |
// 01 00 03 01 04
// | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02
// setup
double coordinates_x[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {2,2};
size_t local_start[2] = {0,0};
size_t local_count[2] = {2,2};
int with_halo = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start, local_count, with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(tgt_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(tgt_grid, src_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** tgt_data = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*tgt_data));
tgt_data[0] =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(**tgt_data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i) tgt_data[0][i] = -3;
double ref_tgt_field[9] =
{-1,-3,-2, -3,-2,-3, -2,-3,-3};
yac_interpolation_execute_get(interpolation, tgt_data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
if (ref_tgt_field[i] != tgt_data[0][i])
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
// cleanup
// cleanup
{ // simple weight file interpolation (weight file contains only fixed target
// points) with two source processes and a single target process
// the global target grid has 2x2 cells:
// 06--10--07--11--08
// | | |
// 06 02 08 03 09
// | | |
// 03--05--04--07--05
// | | |
// 01 00 03 01 04
// | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02
// setup
double coordinates_x[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {2,2};
size_t local_start[2] = {0,0};
size_t local_count[2] = {2,2};
int with_halo = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start, local_count, with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(tgt_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(tgt_grid, src_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_EDGE, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
// generate weights
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
weights, reorder_type[i], 1, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** tgt_data = xmalloc(1 * sizeof(*tgt_data));
tgt_data[0] = xmalloc(grid_data.num_edges * sizeof(**tgt_data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_edges; ++i) tgt_data[0][i] = -3;
double ref_tgt_field[12] = {-2,-1,-2,-1,-2,-1,-2,-1,-2,-1,-2,-1};
yac_interpolation_execute_get(interpolation, tgt_data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_edges; ++i)
if (ref_tgt_field[i] != tgt_data[0][i])
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
// cleanup
// cleanup
{ // multi source field weight file interpolation
// with two source processes and a single target process
// the global target grid has 1x1 cells:
// 02--03--03
// | |
// 01 00 02
// | |
// 00--00--01
// setup
// weight_type == 0 => weights have different values
// weight_type == 1 => all weights have the value 1.0
// weight_type == 2 => each target gets assigned a value
// from a single source point (from
// varying source field)
for (int weight_type = 0; weight_type <= 2; ++weight_type) {
double coordinates_x[] = {0.5, 1.5};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.5, 1.5};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {1,1};
size_t local_start[2] = {0,0};
size_t local_count[2] = {1,1};
int with_halo = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start, local_count, with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(tgt_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(tgt_grid, src_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_EDGE, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
// generate weights
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
// write weights to file
weights, file_name_2, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name, 0, 0);
// read weights
struct interp_method * method_stack_file[2] = {
file_name_2, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
struct yac_interp_weights * weights_from_file =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack_file, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (int from_file = 0; from_file <= 1; ++from_file) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
for (size_t collection_size = 1; collection_size <= 16;
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
reorder_type[i], collection_size, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** tgt_data = xmalloc(collection_size * sizeof(*tgt_data));
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) {
tgt_data[collection_idx] =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_vertices * sizeof(**tgt_data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
tgt_data[collection_idx][i] = -3;
double ref_tgt_field[3][4] =
{{0.0 + 0.25 * (0.3+1.3+3.3+4.3) + 0.25 * (0.7+1.7+3.7+ 5.7),
1.0 + 0.25 * (1.3+2.3+4.3+5.3) + 0.25 * (2.7+3.7+4.7+ 7.7),
2.0 + 0.25 * (3.3+4.3+6.3+7.3) + 0.25 * (5.7+6.7+8.7+10.7),
3.0 + 0.25 * (4.3+5.3+7.3+8.3) + 0.25 * (7.7+8.7+9.7+11.7)},
{0.0 + (0.3+1.3+3.3+4.3) + (0.7+1.7+3.7+ 5.7),
1.0 + (1.3+2.3+4.3+5.3) + (2.7+3.7+4.7+ 7.7),
2.0 + (3.3+4.3+6.3+7.3) + (5.7+6.7+8.7+10.7),
3.0 + (4.3+5.3+7.3+8.3) + (7.7+8.7+9.7+11.7)},
{4.3, 1.0, 2.0, 11.7}};
double collection_factor[3] = {30.0, 90.0, 10.0};
yac_interpolation_execute_get(interpolation, tgt_data);
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_vertices; ++i)
if (fabs((ref_tgt_field[weight_type][i] +
collection_factor[weight_type] *
(double)collection_idx) -
tgt_data[collection_idx][i]) > 1e-9)
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) free(tgt_data[collection_idx]);
// cleanup
// cleanup
{ // multi source field weight file interpolation
// with two source processes and a single target process
// the global target grid is a 4x4 grid:
// 20--36--21--37--22--38--23--39--24
// | | | | |
// 28 12 30 13 32 14 34 15 35
// | | | | |
// 15--27--16--29--17--31--18--33--19
// | | | | |
// 19 08 21 09 23 10 25 11 26
// | | | | |
// 10--18--11--20--12--22--13--24--14
// | | | | |
// 10 04 12 05 14 06 16 07 17
// | | | | |
// 05--09--06--11--07--13--08--15--09
// | | | | |
// 01 00 03 01 05 02 07 03 08
// | | | | |
// 00--00--01--02--02--04--03--06--04
// setup
// weight_type == 0 => weights have different values
// weight_type == 1 => all weights have the value 1.0
// weight_type == 2 => each target gets assigned a value
// from a single source point (from
// varying source field)
double coordinates_x[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
double coordinates_y[] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
size_t const num_global_cells[2] = {4,4};
size_t local_start[2] = {0,0};
size_t local_count[2] = {4,4};
int with_halo = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[0]; ++i)
coordinates_x[i] *= YAC_RAD;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= num_global_cells[1]; ++i)
coordinates_y[i] *= YAC_RAD;
struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data =
coordinates_x, coordinates_y, num_global_cells,
local_start, local_count, with_halo);
struct yac_basic_grid * tgt_grid =
yac_basic_grid_new(tgt_grid_name, grid_data);
struct yac_basic_grid * src_grid =
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair =
yac_dist_grid_pair_new(tgt_grid, src_grid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[] =
{{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_CORNER, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX},
{.location = YAC_LOC_EDGE, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX}};
size_t num_src_fields = sizeof(src_fields) / sizeof(src_fields[0]);
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field =
{.location = YAC_LOC_CELL, .coordinates_idx = SIZE_MAX, .masks_idx = SIZE_MAX};
struct yac_interp_grid * interp_grid =
// test generation of interpolation method
// generate weights
struct interp_method * method_stack[2] = {
file_name, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
struct yac_interp_weights * weights =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack, interp_grid);
// write weights to file
weights, file_name_2, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name, 0, 0);
// read weights
struct interp_method * method_stack_file[2] = {
file_name_2, src_grid_name, tgt_grid_name), NULL};
struct yac_interp_weights * weights_from_file =
yac_interp_method_do_search(method_stack_file, interp_grid);
enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder_type[2] =
for (int from_file = 0; from_file <= 1; ++from_file) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reorder_type) / sizeof(reorder_type[0]);
++i) {
for (size_t collection_size = 1; collection_size <= 16;
struct yac_interpolation * interpolation =
reorder_type[i], collection_size, YAC_FRAC_MASK_NO_VALUE, 1.0, 0.0);
// check generated interpolation
double ** tgt_data = xmalloc(collection_size * sizeof(*tgt_data));
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) {
tgt_data[collection_idx] =
xmalloc(grid_data.num_cells * sizeof(**tgt_data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_cells; ++i)
tgt_data[collection_idx][i] = -3;
double ref_tgt_field[16] =
{ 0.0, 1.0, 8.3, 8.7,
4.0, 12.3, 13.3, 17.7,
8.0, 17.3, 25.7, 26.7,
30.7, 13.0, 14.0, 24.3};
yac_interpolation_execute_get(interpolation, tgt_data);
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_data.num_cells; ++i)
if (fabs((ref_tgt_field[i] + 10.0 * (double)collection_idx) -
tgt_data[collection_idx][i]) > 1e-9)
PUT_ERR("wrong interpolation result");
for (size_t collection_idx = 0; collection_idx < collection_size;
++collection_idx) free(tgt_data[collection_idx]);
// cleanup
// cleanup
struct yac_basic_grid * yac_basic_grid_new(char const *name, struct yac_basic_grid_data grid_data)
Definition basic_grid.c:45
struct yac_basic_grid * yac_basic_grid_empty_new(char const *name)
Definition basic_grid.c:58
void yac_basic_grid_delete(struct yac_basic_grid *grid)
Definition basic_grid.c:65
size_t yac_basic_grid_add_mask_nocpy(struct yac_basic_grid *grid, enum yac_location location, int const *mask, char const *mask_name)
Definition basic_grid.c:253
static double const tol
void yac_dist_grid_pair_delete(struct yac_dist_grid_pair *grid_pair)
Definition dist_grid.c:2957
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * yac_dist_grid_pair_new(struct yac_basic_grid *grid_a, struct yac_basic_grid *grid_b, MPI_Comm comm)
Definition dist_grid.c:2714
#define YAC_RAD
Definition geometry.h:30
void yac_interp_grid_delete(struct yac_interp_grid *interp_grid)
struct yac_interp_grid * yac_interp_grid_new(struct yac_dist_grid_pair *grid_pair, char const *src_grid_name, char const *tgt_grid_name, size_t num_src_fields, struct yac_interp_field const *src_fields, struct yac_interp_field const tgt_field)
Definition interp_grid.c:31
void yac_interp_method_delete(struct interp_method **method)
struct yac_interp_weights * yac_interp_method_do_search(struct interp_method **method, struct yac_interp_grid *interp_grid)
struct interp_method * yac_interp_method_file_new(char const *weight_file_name, char const *src_grid_name, char const *tgt_grid_name)
struct yac_interpolation * yac_interp_weights_get_interpolation(struct yac_interp_weights *weights, enum yac_interp_weights_reorder_type reorder, size_t collection_size, double frac_mask_fallback_value, double scaling_factor, double scaling_summand)
void yac_interp_weights_delete(struct yac_interp_weights *weights)
void yac_interp_weights_write_to_file(struct yac_interp_weights *weights, char const *filename, char const *src_grid_name, char const *tgt_grid_name, size_t src_grid_size, size_t tgt_grid_size)
weights will be applied at target processes
weights will be appied at source processes
void yac_interpolation_delete(struct yac_interpolation *interp)
void yac_interpolation_execute_get(struct yac_interpolation *interp, double **tgt_field)
void yac_interpolation_execute_put(struct yac_interpolation *interp, double ***src_fields)
Definition location.h:12
Definition location.h:15
Definition location.h:16
Definition location.h:14
#define xmalloc(size)
Definition ppm_xfuncs.h:66
enum yac_location location
Definition basic_grid.h:18
struct yac_interp_field tgt_field
Definition interp_grid.c:26
size_t num_src_fields
Definition interp_grid.c:27
struct yac_dist_grid_pair * grid_pair
Definition interp_grid.c:25
char * src_grid_name
Definition interp_grid.c:23
struct yac_interp_field src_fields[]
Definition interp_grid.c:28
char * tgt_grid_name
Definition interp_grid.c:24
int main(int argc, char **argv)