YetAnotherCoupler 3.4.0
No Matches
Source to Target mapping

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This method supports source fields that are defined on cells.

For each source cell this method searches for the nearest target cell. If set, it will discard all target cells that are further away then the user provided maximum search distance. The source cell data is then distributed to all non-masked targets that are within the user provided spread distance around the initially found target cell. If multiple source cells contribute to a target cell, their contributions are summed up. Target cells not associated with any source cell will not get any value.

The user can choose between multiple options how the data from one source cell is distributed among the associated target cells.

There are also multiple scaling options available, which can scale the source and/or target field based on the cell areas of the associated source/target cells. In case river runoff is provided/expected by the components as a flux, this can be used to ensure conservation.

This method has been implemented in particular to cover the mapping of the hydrological discharge. This quantity is provided on selected cells at the coastline. In ICON, the discharge is assembled at coastal land cells and then stored on the nearest ocean cells on the donor grid. The goal of all other interpolation schemes is to generate an interpolation for target cells. In contrast to that, this method aims to be mass conserving and not to loose any water from the donor cells.

Source field from atmosphere on ocean coast cells


Remark: Here distances between two points on the surface of a unit sphere are defined as the angle between two vectors that point from the center of the sphere to the two points. In the configuration file, these distances have to be provided in degree.

  • Spread distance (default: spread_distance: 0.0)

    Valid range: 0.0 <= spread_distance < 90.0

    A distance of 0.0 results in the source field values being assigned to the single closest target point.

  • Maximum search distance (default: max_search_distance: 0.0)

    Valid range: 0.0 <= max_search_distance < 180.0

    A distance of 0.0 results in an unlimited search distance.

  • Weighting type (default: weighted: arithmetic_average)
    • arithmetic_average

      Simple average

      Target field on ocean
      spread_distance = 0.0 spread_distance = 0.5 spread_distance = 1.0 spread_distance = 2.0
    • distance_weighted

      Inverse distance weighted

      Target field on ocean
      spread_distance = 0.0 spread_distance = 0.5 spread_distance = 1.0 spread_distance = 2.0
  • Scaling type (default: scale: none)
    • none

      No scaling

      The sum of the weights for each source cell is 1.0.

      This can be used in case the source and target field are not provided as a flux
      (for example: source/target field unit = m^3/s).

    • srcarea

      Source cell area

      All weights are scaled by the area of the associated source cell. Therefore, weights for each source cell sum to its area.

      This can be used in case the source field is provided as a flux while the target field is not
      (for example: source field unit = m/s; target field unit = m^3/s).

    • invtgtarea

      Inverse target area

      All weights are scaled by the inverse area of the associated target cell.

      This can be used in case the target field is provided as a flux while the source field is not
      (for example: source field unit = m^3/s; target field unit = m/s).

    • fracarea

      Fractional area

      All weights are scaled by the area of the associated source cell and the inverse area of the associated target cell.

      This can be used in case the source and target field is provided as a flux
      (for example: source/target field unit = m/s).

  • src_sphere_radius (default: src_sphere_radius: 1.0)

    Sphere radius used for the area computation of the source cells.

  • tgt_sphere_radius (default: tgt_sphere_radius: 1.0)

    Sphere radius used for the area computation of the target cells.

YAML example

- source_to_target_map:
weighted: arithmetic_average
scale: none
spread_distance: 0.5
max_search_distance: 3.6
src_sphere_radius: 1.0
tgt_sphere_radius: 6371000.0